Want To Know What I Can Mix In My 90 Gallon Tank.


New Member
Sep 8, 2009
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Hartford, CT
So I have 3 Fish Tanks, a 20 gallon, 29 gallon, and a 50 gallon. in my 50 gallon I have a total of 10 convicts (Babies, I know I will have to get a bigger tank soon). in my 29 I have 2 angelfish, 9 nean tetras, 3 ghost shrimp, 1 blue gourami. in my 20 I have 9 platies, and 3 guppies. I want to get rid of my 20, and my 50 gallon tanks, and get a 90 gallon and stay with my 29 gallon. I wanted to keep all of my cichlids.

Ok, so my question is, I want to keep all of the fish I have now. I wanted to know if I could keep any of my fish together with the Convict Cichlids I have now. They are all babies at the moment, and I would keep them in the 90 gallon tank. What I wanted to try to do was put my 10 convicts in my 90, with my angels, and possibly the gourami, but I do not know if that is safe. I also wanted to just keep most of the fish together. I know all of my smaller fish would be fine together but my Cichlids are the difficult companions. Does anyone have any suggestions or can anyone tell me what would be safe to do? Please help!!
Sorry, you can't mix any of your current fish with the convicts. You should be able to add the fish from the 20 to the 29 without a problem if you do it slowly.
So what I am thinking of doing is using the breeding net, to block my convicts away from the rest of the fish, and keep them all in the 90 gallon. Do you think this is a bad idea? Suggestions very much welcome. Thanks!
Strongly advise against: it can only end in a bad way.

What exactly do you mean by a "breeding net"? Those little things which float near the surface of the tank?
Wouldnt put convicts with your other fish, would turn out bad sooner or later. ALso, 10 convicts will quickly become 'overrun' with convicts and they had little re-sale value. Personally, I would suggest keep 1 or 2 male convicts and stock the tank with a couple more compatible cichlids and oddballs. If you can keep the 50 for the Angels and then make it a docile community be a nice tank.
Yeah I agree with all of above the cons will not work with anything else in your list in that size tank you might get issues with even just them in a tank in the long run especially if you have multiple pairs that develop.

An other option for you could be to move everything to the 55 but put your cons in the 29 wait for a pair to get together and then take the rest back and raise them as a breeding pair. Though as people said regular convict fry is very low value and you might even have to give them away. If you wanted tank mates with the cons giant danio usually do well but 90% of the time convicts wont tolerate any tank mates.

The rest of the other fish should mix nicley though :)


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