Want To Give Up Now!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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I moved house on wednesday, I got the tank up and running without losing a single fish through the move. I then connected everything back up, filter heater etc.
I looked at the tank last night to check and I had killed my young bgk!! I did'nt put the strainer back on the filter and he must have died in a horrible way!!
I am horrified I could do something so stupid and kill my fav fish.
I am racked with guilt now and am considering giving up. I can handle losing a fish as long as it had a good life or if it was out of my control, but through stupidity......

Sorry to put this on, but needed to vent frustration somewhere.

Horrible accident - forgive yourself, learn from it, and move on. I know I woud be horrified too, but it really doesn't mean you are unfit to keep fish (as I'm sure you know). Now if you made a habit of it, or did it deliberately, for a laugh, that would be different. But you clearly did nothing of the kind :flowers: .
We've ALL made mistakes, please don't beat yourself up over it. It was an accident and you need to forgive yourself :nod:
Don't let this unfortunate incident put you off.

In my time, in my early fish keeping days when I was still learning, I admit to seeing off a few fish that should have lived alot longer. I did feel angry with myself and also guilty, but as Birdie said, it is something to learn from.

Chin up spudgun2k - keep smiling! :)
well said Birdie'
we need caring people in this great hobby of ours, so please stay with it. there's enough people out there who don't care for their fish!
We've all done things that killed our fish or easily could have. I have left my filters unplugged after a cleaning before and not noticed for over 12 hrs. Fortunately my tanks are not fully stocked, the ammonia didn't build up much and the bacteria quickly recovered so I didn't lose any fish. I've had fish jump out of my tanks (twice and lost them both) because I didn't have every hole in the top covered (they can jump through some really small holes). It happens to all of us.
well if u do give up can i ahve your stuff lol just kidding

dont worry to much about it mate at least u will never do that again :)
I know it's easy to say Spud, but please don't blame yourself. We've all made mistakes but it doesn't mean we don't care for our fish.
Don't give up on the fishkeeping, it would be a great loss.
Awe don't worry! Your not the only one who did that. Unfortnatly I forgot to put the strainer back on the filter and it took one of my albino cory cats. I was so upset and disgusted!

But keep going don't give up! It's an easy mistake and next time you'll remember i'm sure! Keep fishing!! :fish:
Sorry R.I.P.
One of my suction caps fell off my filter and two black neons died in the filter I felt awful too.
Dont leave the hobby over a mistake. We have all done them. I just recently add 1.5x the amount of meth blue into 1 of my tanks. Likely i did a few quick water changes. It was a long night. Dont worry about it these things happen.
i made a very expensive mistake of getting a jaguar cichlid it killed my favirot fish i wont forgive my self for it but it a mistake and u learn from them so u dont make them agian

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