hey i know they should be kept in larger numbers but would i be able to put a weather loache in any of my tanks?
i don't have a problem moving around the fish in the tanks, but my only requirement is keeping the swordtails and platties seperate
I have had a Dojo/weather loach for 4 years in my tank and he does not like others of his kind. If you put one in his tank he will do anything to chase it out. He does not bother any other fish and does well in my comunity tank. At 4 years he is a slim 8" long fish that likes to swim all the time and hangs out in full view.
I would wait to get a larger tank. These fish like to swim fast and I had a young one spook in a 10 gal hospital tank and knocked it self in the head so hard it had to be put down. The poor thing could eat but only when I would hold it so the blood worms where right in front of it, it could not swim under its own power. Good luck, this is a great fish that has become one of my fav. fish in its tank. When the weather changes it loves to dance and needs at least a 30 gal to do its moves.