Want To Donate A Kidney?


Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Dunno how long this item will still be listed since its a WYSIWYG but SkiFletch Want!. So if any of you have qualms or squabbles with your kidneys and would be willing to donate to the SkiFletch black market, I'd appreciate it :lol:
Each Saturday night I do my best to destroy my kidneys...

I am sure I have seen that fish in a book being described as something that almost no one knows how to keep alive for any length of time. Will check when I get home and see if it is the same one.
Eh, just a Rhomboid wrasse. Most any Cirrhilabrus genus wrasse is easy to keep. Hardy, omnivorous, doesnt like same-species males, but not that difficult at all. Just need a 75g or bigger on the rhomboid which gets pretty large. My LFS has one along with a lineatus (very similar) in their show tanks. I drool over them weekly
oooh purty

well for all the help you've given us we'd be happy to donat a kidney.... however i strongly doubt you'd get enough for a common clown with mine, years of abuse have taken they're toll! :rolleyes:
ill swap my kidney for a powerhead and some clean up crew ;) lol plus its completely good quality coz i never go to parties and drink :shifty:

:good: rhysiboy
I don't think my kidneys are much good but I'll happily donate my husband for you to sell, I'll even pay the airfare :good:
I don't think my kidneys are much good but I'll happily donate my husband for you to sell, I'll even pay the airfare :good:

Can I set him up in indentured servitude until he can earn enough money to buy that GORGEOUS FISH
erm....ok I don't know what that is but it sounds acceptable :good:

Hah, thats funny, its a common term here in America, seeing as how this is where it was created WAY back in the day (1700s). Means you ship your husband to the "land of the free" and he works for me until he pays the price of his fare, lodgings, and wrasse then I set him free to do whatever he wants :D
I will donate my left testicle - it hangs on a funny angle and Im sure Im only firing on the right one.

If it doesnt raise enough moolah, you could always float in the the tank as it does have some very nice markings like the fish you are after.

ahem................. :D

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