Want some unqiue fish for my tank


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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B) It is me again. I decided I will probably get the African Butterfly fish (Pantodon buchholzi), but i want some other fish no larger than six inches, but i don't know what to get. I've found a eel i like, Spiney Eel (Macrognathus circumcinctus), but I don't know much about this animal, nor can i find them easily. The tank is only a 29 gallon, fairly small, but I would like a few medium size fish, and then I'll introduce some feeder fish (if needed). Any suggestions :blink: ??? Just mail me with the ideas, thanks peeps!

Dps :shifty:
I take it that your looking for carnivorous fish when you say "interesting",if so i think i know just the fish,Morgunda morgunda or its common name Purple striped gudgeon.They are a species of sleaper gobie that only reach about 6" max and are quite ferocious feeders,mine were eating rivershrimp when they were only a inch and a half!There is a picture of one in my post in members pictures.If your looking for a mid to bottom dwelling fish with a lot of character and a huge mouth that will eat shrimp,crickets,small fish and just about anything under 2" long then look no further.If you want any more info on them just ask and i'll do my best to answer any questions. :D
The only info i can dig up on the spiny eel you like is that they are nocturnal and anti social toward its own kind,if you have trouble locating this fish (and i think you will)then have you considered Peacock eels Macrognathus aculeatus,they get a little larger than the circumcintus (about 12")but one would still be fine for a 29g and should be a lot easier to obtain.
I have an African Butterfly and it is a neat fish but it also is a very boring fish.... Also, I have a Peacock eel and it is great easy to take care of and fun to watch, I think you would like it. :)
I don't mind carnivorous fish, but I think an eel and African Butterfly would be great for the carnivorous side, I would perfer a fish with a lil more color than the Purple striped gudgeon, any more ideas?? But, thanks for your suggestions, I think the Purple striped gudgeon would be useful in my guppy tank, I am being over run!!!! :crazy: :lol:


DPS :shifty:
some fish that i have in a identical tank and are somewhat wierd. a bichir, a orange brushfish(ctenapoma), and a butterfly fish. the bichir can possibly grow to 1', but my experience is it's a slow grower. if you find something else please let me know. i like wierd looking fish, actually thats all i really try to collect.
Have you tried leaf fish,these fit into the weird and intresting catogory they are quite similar to the ctenapoma sp in what they eat and the way they behave (lurking around plants looking sinister)but are also chameleons changing their colour to suit their background and mood.
Needle fishes are also intresting to feed but are highly aggressive to other surface dwellers so not compatable with butterflies.
The leaf fish recquire extremely good water quality though, and tend to do best in a species tank as well. I have kept my african butterfly in with my needlefish for 5 months now, and that is even being away for a week without feeding the needlefish. As long as the african butterfly is over 1.5 inches long I think it will be fine, that is as large as mine started out at.

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