Want some small fish


Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I've got 5 guppies and a baby catfish in my small tank, but want to add a few more to it. I had considered about 5 neons, but have cardinals in my other tank so was thinking about getting something different.

Do you have any suggestions? I want something small.

I think that small schoolling fish pretty much limit me to tetras, but I doubt if they will school anyway in a small tank so the schoolling isn't important. I saw some glow light tetras today though, they looked quite good.
Hi Tenko :)

What kind of catfish do you have? :unsure:

If it's one of the cory cats, it's a schooling fish and should have one or 2 companions, at least. The poor little thing must be so frightened being all by itself. :sad:
Yeah, glow-light is good they are about the size of the Neon. They do have albino variety also. There are also partial albino type of Neon tetra in the market, they are usually sole as gold or white neon. There is also gold tetra. There is also Ember tetra which is even small than Neon which I consider buying when I saw at the store. There are not much info out there on the web but I hear they don't get much bigger than 1". They are pretty orangish red. Pretty small tetra. They may not available at many place and can be expensive.
Anyway, any of these would be good. I do like those small colorful tetras. :wub:

Although I start to like the character of my Panda corys. But my first love is Neon, hence my nickname.
I recommend white clouds, a type of minnow. I've seen them in grey, orange, and rainbow, and they're very active. They also wont cost you as much as most other fish, as they aren't exactly one of the most popular species. Probably the best thing about them is that they wont eat their young, or any other species of fry for that matter.
i just bought 4 harliquan rasborahs and they are realy cool they are schooling together and look nice :wub:
What kind of catfish do you have?
It's a bristlenose catfish. I have 3 in my big tank too. I was going to get a similar catfish with stripes, looked really nice, but is cost about £10. The bristlenose was £3 so I got another one of those instead.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have heard that bristlenose catfish can be territorial when older and can be happy on their own. Is this correct?

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have a look into those - check sizes, availability etc. I'll let you know what I get.
i got 6 bristle noses and theyre fine together

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