want some new fishies


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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hi. I got rid of my platties and things to put something colourful and lively in my tank but now I can't find something that wont get eaten.

I've got an angle and a clown loach who are very eager to eat my littlies so am wondering if there's something that is suitable. I've got phantom tetras.
Danios are the right size but I want something more colourful. Can anyone reccomend anything? Neons are too small :(
Thankyou for any advice cause i'm kinda lost as to what to get -_-
Rasboros are nice and they are bigger than neons. I just got some from my LFS called Pork Chop Rasboros they have a really orange mark to them and they glow much like a neon.
smb is right, harliquins do grow larger than neons, especially "pork chop" variety. Or Harliquin Rasbora is the proper name.

I would suggest a little more research, there are some great books around. All for cheap prices. Knowledge is the KEY.

I saw some gorgeous gold danios in the LFS on the weekend, not overly bright I guess, but it could depend on just how colourful you want. I think they're definitely next for me though!
thanks for all that. i've been looking at rasboras but I thought they'd be too small at the size they are in my lfs. DO you know how big they grow? if I put them in my 5g until they were big enough to put in my 50g??
thanks for the advice :)
Dwarf rasbora are about 1 inch but harlequin rasbora 1 3/4. But my pork chop rasbora seem to be a bit bigger than that. maybe it's the shape? The other sizes came right out of my book. I really like mine there shape remind me of a short fat shark. thay are fun to watch. They school so I'd say you need at least 3-4. I however only have 2 ( waiting on local LFS to get more) and they seem fine. Not sure about your angel how big is it? I'm guessing if you have danios the rasbora will be fine. Let me know what you go with
Good luck
:edit: oops sorry, just realised that you were thinking of gettting tetras or something soz

blue rams are very bright and pretty :cool:

they don't have to be tetras specifically - just not fish eaters. so yeah anything small and colourful but about danio size.

Bloomjack: what are the fish in your sig? they're wicked! love to have them. Are they freshwater/cichlid???
Those are blue rams. They are peaceful freshwater cichlids. They grow to about 3 inches and are good community fish. They are fragile though, as their water parimeters need to be perfect. I would recommend bolivian rams, but they arent as colorful.
Is this is what is already in your tank:

6 or 7 platties
1 Angel
1 clown loach,
2 gold algae eaters,
2 bristlenose plecos,
1 redspot pleco
3 goldfish( comet x 2, 1 moorexnymph ),
1 gold gourami
2 tetras (phantoms?)?

If it is, minus the platies, I would say you are overstocked in a 40-50 gallon. The clown loach will eventually get too big for your tank, but that won't be happening anytime soon as they take years to reach their full size. They REALLY enjoy their own company so my advice would to get him atleast a friend or two. The goldfish should be removed from your tank as they are coldwater fish and their slime coats are toxic to most tropical fish. I would take them back to the LFS or find another home for them.

What kind of filtration do you have on the tank?

I would say Blue rams would be out since you have the goldies and they produce so much waste. Blue rams are VERY sensitive to water conditions and I don't think they would tolerate 3 goldies' waste in a 50 gallon.

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