Want Advice To Start An Amazing Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
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i have a massive reef tank at 6 foot my pride and joy and have a 4 spare tanks yes u read correct 4 spare tanks one of which is a jewel rio240 which is in my bedroom. i had tropicals fish for about 6 months b4 going into marines but wud like to start a plnted tropcial tank in my jewel rio 240.

so i want to get the gisleman t5 self dimming lights for the freshwater for lighting, got the tank and stand,

what is the best snad or peat or spoil for planted tanks or gravel?

what equipment would i need to get this tank up and running? filters and powerhead wise co2 equipment?

what is the best plants to have in?

any advice wud be great


I'm by no means an expert here
but I can say that I am using fullers earth
covered by pool filter sand as a substrate.

My tiger lotus is loving it as is my vallis and java fern
however the amazon swords don't seem to like it :/

I also use peat in the filter, add a blackwater extract (which will diminish
the light, so think carfully before you start useing that)
and regularly (every water change) add a plant food, in my case Sera florena.
I am also impressed with the results of adding CO2.

I do feel that the most important factor is getting the lighting correct
and I belive that is where I faulter.

I'm sure the plant experts will give you better guidance than I in this matter.

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