walmart petition


Mar 2, 2004
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Planning on making a petition and sending it to walmart ceo about not keeping and seeling fish.i dont thnk its enough profit neways...i will wirte it and post it here when i think of somthin noble. :X
No offense but you might want to run it through a spell check, will take you more seriously. Could you not just petition for them to treat their fish better and be more choosy about who they sell to?
Cheese Specialist said:
No offense but you might want to run it through a spell check, will take you more seriously. Could you not just petition for them to treat their fish better and be more choosy about who they sell to?
WOW! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i agree w/what cheese specialist says. Better taking care of them. Some walmarts are great, and its not fair that those good ones cant sell fish because of some bad ones. Mine is great. Last time I was in it was in though there was one dead fish. And the bettas were on a cart. But theyre remodeling so they do have an excuse.
Yeah, just tell them to treat them better and hire people who know how to take care of them, if the walmart around here stopped selling fish my selection would sink horribly into oblivion, they sell fish there that I can't get anywhere near my place and they're already almost an hours drive away. And suprisingly, they take better care of their fish than the one store near my house, they have the store in their basement and they can't take care of their fish worth crap....
this is really interesting to me cuz some of the best fish i've had are from walmart :*) I dunno if the fact that i live in canada makes a difference, but i've come to know the manager of the pet area and she's very qualified and knowledged about her fish, she's saved me a few times from getting tankmates that would've devoured each other into oblivion and has even offered me free fish meds when fish that i've bought from other fish stores got sick. Her fish are always in good condition and i've never seen anything inhumane going on
Not to rain on the parade, but petitions more often then not aren't worth the time. They're rarely taken seriously, especially online petitions which can have faked signatures.

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