

Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Hi there....

Now im usually a very calm easy going guy...but today was not one of those days :p .. Now i have never bought a fish from walmart and i dont ever plan to...i usually just buy water conditioner because its a little cheaper than my Ifs...when i was in there last week they had tanks with Red tailed black sharks..loaches....pictus catfish...rainbow sharks...balas and a few i cant remember....When i first looked in the tanks none of the fish seemed to be that healthy...but they didn't seem that bad....i saw the girl who worked there and she seemed pissed about working....i went there today again and i swear that every tank had dead fish...the water was horrible looking and the "same" girl was just standing there...i know she didn't care about the fish...but i just lost it...I mean there were piles of dead sharks and balas in the tanks...and the ones still alive are on there way to fishy heaven shortly id guess....I asked her why she wouldn't do something about the tanks...why she wouldn't try and help the fish...but she had no idea what was going on...there were balas in with goldfish...I tried telling her that theres a difference detween tropical and cold water fish...but she just looked at me like i was some A@$hole giving her a hard time...we'll i know that im not the first one complain about this....but if walmart payed even half of what im makin id take a job and save those fish...I just feel so bad watchin them suffer because someone is to lazy to do anything.....Anyways...sorry for the long post...i just had to get it off my chest....

Lesson i learned today...... ignorance is bliss .... and the walmart girl is stupid!

Well, some lfs employees are like that. Some are so stupid its unbelievable ad they don't give a damn about the animals they are supposed to be taking care of.

But remember, not all lfs employees are like that, my sis works in one and she really cares about the animals they sell.

That is the reason I never will buy fish from Walmart. You should contact the manager and then ask for the district manager and complain and make a big deal about it. That is disgusting. If they can't hire staff that have some knowledge about the fish department, then they should be moved to a different department. The only way to change something is to start the ball rolling now! :nod:
I know that not all Ifs workers are ignorant..in fact a good friend of the family owns a Ifs and he's very careful in only giving a job to someone whos knows about fish....but i mean...u think that if u had a PET section ...then u would get someone whos knows about PETS!!!! ....she knew nothing and it kinda made me mad...
Call 1 800 Walmart and wait until the last option, I believe you'll be connected with a secretary from the head honchos office,let them know what's going on.
Thnx wuvmybetta....im not usually the type to complain about anything...but mistreatment of animals...dogs/cats/fish whatever just doesnt go well with me...Im going to complain....just to bad for the fish that don't have a choice!
wuvmybetta said:
Call 1 800 Walmart and wait until the last option, I believe you'll be connected with a secretary from the head honchos office,let them know what's going on.
Good plan :nod:

That is horrible. I would get angry too.
Thats terrible, you should give the store details out on here, like location and telephone number etc,

They might just ignore one person but if we all complain they are sure to realise that people do actually care about fish and treatment like this is just cruel

Please do this, i'm in the UK but even if i have to call the US to complain i will

Things like this make me sick,
Thats crappy!

There are basically only 3 places to get fish where i live... and Walmart isn't too bad

There a place called AquaCreations, which is my favorite, a little pricey, but they have very healthy fiish

There's Walmart, which has no selection, but they actually take care of their fish, and even have little write ups on all the fish (the only bad thing is they dont seem to understand the differnece between using aquarium salt vs marine salt for brackish fish)

Then there's Pet's Unlimited, the worst place, their tanks have always got dead fish, there's always tanks not for sale with meds and dead fish in them. you can smell bad fish water off every tank

So it really depends on where you are... or more importantly, who is working there!
We'll i called the number for walmart head office...and i made a complaint...they said that they would make a inquiries about there store...Now im not expecting change today.....but i mean something has to be done.....u think a big company like walmart would see that there loosing money if there fish ALL die before they can sell them....And nethius its funny that u mention there little write ups about the fish....for bala sharks it said maximum size 3" .... :blink: .
They probably make their money on fish supplies anyway, not really on the fish.

Still, that's sick. Maybe I'll get a job at Wal-Mart, just to ensure the fish are well maintained.
digital_run said:
....for bala sharks it said maximum size 3"
well atleast they got that right! haha! JUST JOKING!!!

maybe all their write ups are wrong? never looked that closely!
I just got back form our Walmart a couple minutes ago. There was a tank of "common goldfish" that had probably in the neighborhood of 40-50 in the tank......of that 15-20 were either on the bottom sucking for every last breathe or just plain dead.

PS, I stopped one of the girls that was helping oversee the dept for her coworker (she was from cosmetics of course) and she said she will have the dept manager take a long look at how things were being done, or not done.

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