Fish Herder
Hi there....
Now im usually a very calm easy going guy...but today was not one of those days
.. Now i have never bought a fish from walmart and i dont ever plan to...i usually just buy water conditioner because its a little cheaper than my Ifs...when i was in there last week they had tanks with Red tailed black sharks..loaches....pictus catfish...rainbow sharks...balas and a few i cant remember....When i first looked in the tanks none of the fish seemed to be that healthy...but they didn't seem that bad....i saw the girl who worked there and she seemed pissed about working....i went there today again and i swear that every tank had dead fish...the water was horrible looking and the "same" girl was just standing there...i know she didn't care about the fish...but i just lost it...I mean there were piles of dead sharks and balas in the tanks...and the ones still alive are on there way to fishy heaven shortly id guess....I asked her why she wouldn't do something about the tanks...why she wouldn't try and help the fish...but she had no idea what was going on...there were balas in with goldfish...I tried telling her that theres a difference detween tropical and cold water fish...but she just looked at me like i was some A@$hole giving her a hard time...we'll i know that im not the first one complain about this....but if walmart payed even half of what im makin id take a job and save those fish...I just feel so bad watchin them suffer because someone is to lazy to do anything.....Anyways...sorry for the long post...i just had to get it off my chest....
Lesson i learned today...... ignorance is bliss .... and the walmart girl is stupid!
Now im usually a very calm easy going guy...but today was not one of those days
Lesson i learned today...... ignorance is bliss .... and the walmart girl is stupid!