Wal mart rescue


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
I don't have any pics yet, his poor anal fin. There is a chunk at the back end of the anal fin about halfway up it that is hanging off with severe discoloration, and has white fuzz hanging off it. My first thought is fin rot, but with white fuzz? He is in clean water (1 gal) with salt and stress coat right now. Hopefully that should clear it up. I hope so. I don't have any access to meds right now as I am at my parents house, and my meds are at my house 500 miles away.
Its a bummer obout the fish, i hate the way ppl treat these little guys.

There is only one thing i dont like about my local lfs, he keeps his bettas in little bowl type things, which are better than cups, but still, i dont like it. :blink:

Anywyas, congrats on the newest member of your fish collection and i hope he recovers soon, poor little soldier.
Hopefully he pulls through!
I've seen bettas like that at my local Walmart before... it's like a mix of finrot and fungus. One time I saw one with so much fungus he looked like he had fur :no:
It's really sad how these little guys end up. I was in the states 2 weeks ago and I went into a pet store at the mall and out of the 15-20 bettas they had, half of them had slimy/furry white stuff hanging off of them and floating all in their little cups. Poor guys, i really wanted to take them home or at least just plop in some meds. I told the people who worked there about it and all they said was "oooh really, we didn't even notice, we just got that batch in this morning." Ugh.

Congrats on the save!! I hope he pulls through!! :nod:
Congrats on the save.

The last time I was in PetCo (the LAST time I ever set foot in the place, permanently) there was a beautiful red betta in one of the little hellhole cups that was scraping against the sides - upon closer inspection, he was so sick that his skin was literally peeling off.

I told someone who worked there and they said they'd go take a look. I hung around in the store looking at stuff (or pretending to) for another hour just to see if they'd go look after him. At the point where I put all the things down in my arms and went out the door giving everyone dirty glances on the way out, no one had even gone over to look at him.

That store was 2 hours away from my home (I was on a trip, on my way back home) or I'd have scooped that poor little dear up and taken him home and nursed him back to health.

Petstores are E V I L.
So is WalMart. All 3 of my boys have come from either WalMart or some retarded petstore where I had to point out that their bettas were sick.

This world makes me sick sometimes.

By the way, it does sound like your little guy has some kind of fungal infection. You might want to treat him - I think it'd be worth it to make the trek for the meds. He'd appreciate it.
ya he really needs some melafix or bettafix for the fungus, and daily water changes for the fin rot. if the fin rot reaches his body its probably too late. but they can recover if its treated right.( my three boys have also come home from bad walmarts)
I'm useing Fungus Clear by Jungle. It gets rid of fungus and fin rot and I have heard that Jungle makes some pretty effective meds. He is looking so bad though. Today he has been listless and spending a lot of time floating at the surface, and the fungus has spread. Also the fin rot has advanced more too. Am giving him 2 tsp's of salt with the fungus clear as well as daily 100% water changes. Keeping his water temp. around 80 F. Had to make a tonic of fungus clear first though. It comes in tablets and is one tablet/10 gallons. Why can't they make stuff like that in small doses? Would it really be that hard?
You should really try using something like Maracyn.
It's very powerful stuff and works wonders.
I refer to it as my fishy miracle drug.

If you can get your hands on some, it will most likely work.
Sorry for your loss.
Losing a little fishy friend is always tough.

Rest assured that you did give him peace at the end.
I'm sure he'll never forget you.


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