Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2009
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They've been released in the tank for about 3 hours now. I've been watching nearby, (out of the way) and there has been no fighting *touch wood*. (A bit of following, barely chasing). There is a bubblenest and the female is plump. Any ideas what the usual average times for them to wrap are? And when shall I put her back in the chimney?
What have you done so far? Did you condition for two weeks, and was the female in the chimney for 2 days before you let her out the first time?
Sometimes it takes a few days for them to get it on, and sometimes even when you've done everything right the pair just doesn't 'click' - I've just had to pull and recondition a pair, I did everything by the book and the male still beat the female up instead of mating with her.
What have you done so far? Did you condition for two weeks Yup

and was the female in the chimney for 2 days before you let her out the first time? Yes

Sometimes it takes a few days for them to get it on, and sometimes even when you've done everything right the pair just doesn't 'click' - I've just had to pull and recondition a pair, I did everything by the book and the male still beat the female up instead of mating with her.

Thanks for the info, I've followed it pretty much down to the letter. Admitedly, they have been sharing the same area of the tank more frequently as the hours went on, its just once he gets too close to her she swims off full pelt to the other side of the tank. They are actually swimming right next to each other as I type, nope hes scared her away! :rolleyes:
As long as he's not physically attacking her when she swims away, it should be okay... my female was acting like yours, get in close and then dart away, but every time she darted away the male would chase her and kick the crap out of her. So if yours is just patiently sitting under the nest waiting for her, you'll probably get lucky, even if it takes them AAAAGES.
As long as he's not physically attacking her when she swims away, it should be okay... my female was acting like yours, get in close and then dart away, but every time she darted away the male would chase her and kick the crap out of her. So if yours is just patiently sitting under the nest waiting for her, you'll probably get lucky, even if it takes them AAAAGES.

Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, they aren't being aggressive to each other just a bit wary when they get too close. That's the thing, he isn't staying under the nest he's just roaming about, resting here and there. It would be lovely if they could just get it owwwn now!
For now, shall I just re-chimney her overnight and release her again tommorow?
Yeh, thats the way we do it under these circumstances :good: You'll hopefully get a good result tomorrow.
Ok just released them this morning, lets hope they do today.
Well, they've spent nearly the entire day together. I released her again for a few hours and put her back in the chimney, totally forgot to put the piece of card over the top and came back an hour later to find her wandering about the rest of the tank! When she saw me she swam right up to the glass with her little face and wiggled :lol:. They still haven't uh..."christened" the tank :hey: :p I'm not sure the male is really that interested. He follows her about a bit but its been 2 days now with not even an attempt. I think I'll give them till thursday or friday and then consider trying again at a later date.

Thing is, when I let her out this morning, within a few hours she started showing stress stripes So I put her back in the chimney. The very second I did, the breeding bars came back! I shut the lid on the tank and after that she must have jumped out. I don't really understand, she's ready when she's in the chimney, but after a while of releasing her she appears to have had enough and he doesn't seem to be causing her any stress.

Still no aggression between the two. My simple little pet store betta is such a friendly thing :wub:. Seeing as there is no aggression would it be wise to leave them together overnight or, even though they arent fighting would this just be foolish. They're happy to get close too so it's not like they are at opposite ends of the tank. (I'm not entirely convinced they would scrap from watching they way they are together).

I'm still keeping up with the 3 feedings a day, she's plump, the bubblenest is gradually getting smaller (though he replenishes it overnight) I'm just waiting for them now -_-

I've seen a Betta on ebay that I've really taken a fancy too. It's from a HM line and I think if I did win him I'd try him with my female instead.

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