

Jan 8, 2012
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Just visited a LFS to get some wood for the tank found some perfect pieces for the Scape, walked to the fishes for a browse and nearly missed them... only 1.5inch long and only a couple left...

only had enough money on me for A.The wood or B.The fish.....the wood is hidden at the back of the pile lol..



:hey: :lol: :drool: :good:
More Kuhli's !!! What a suprise lol ... They do look good though and nice trick with the wood :good:
You won't see them at all when you only have 2. Instead of calling them a waste of time, and blaming the fish, you made a mistake by only getting 2 so you brought this upon yourself. If you were to get like 4 more I get you would see them more often
I've got in the tank somewhere two of these, very rarely see them they hide inside a lump of hollow rock, a waste of time.

I only had 2 and they are out all the time, Get some fake grass by the front of the tank and you will see them more...and for a waste of time, I can sit for hours watching them sift through the sand now I have 6 they will be like a herd of cows grazing... :shifty:
I would LOVE to have Khulies but like youself

A: can't find them anywhere! and
B: they wouldn't like the high flow rate in my tank, being fairly poor swimmers...
When they get bigger im going to have a go at breeding them (got a 4gal spare tank) so hopefully will be able to sell to members cheap :good:
Congrats to you! I had 6 Kuhlis for some time and with age are down to 2. They LOVE algae tablets and if you throw a few in every other day, they will come out and chow. I love loaches, they are my fav fish!
Ohhhh they are too cute! I'm dying to have my tank fully cycled already. Kuhli's are at the top of my list!! Hope I can find some here. So far I've only seen the black ones, but I really would like striped.

How many do you have now?
Great find...

I can understand why you addited to Kuhli's!

Purchased 6 Pangio myersi a few months ago and they are huge... I can count all 6 at feeding time and thats in a well planted 4ft aquarium, so they are not as shy as some people make out when comfortable in their surroundings ;)
I would LOVE to have Khulies but like youself

A: can't find them anywhere! and
B: they wouldn't like the high flow rate in my tank, being fairly poor swimmers...

If sure they would be fine with the flow if you got plants in there they will move between them, also they might like the current, mine zoom up and down the tank then hit a current and swim for their lives, drop down and repeat =D

Ohhhh they are too cute! I'm dying to have my tank fully cycled already. Kuhli's are at the top of my list!! Hope I can find some here. So far I've only seen the black ones, but I really would like striped.

How many do you have now?

I have 6 now, hoping I got mixed sex ones so I can try at breeding :good:
Cheers :D

Once my plants are all fully grown in, and I've upgraded to a larger setup, I think I may rehome my white clouds and do that! :D
I really want kuhlis but don't they only like sand? And not sure if they'd go well with the fish I may get. :(

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