Wah... :( MBS Alert


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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We took our bunny to the vet today (shes got mites) and while we were waiting I took a lookie in the fish shop down the road... Well, I take it you can guess what happened... They were gorgeous. They were mostly either CTs or CmTs (not sure which), but they had gorgeous colours. One yellow/cellophane one, some purpelly ones, come blue and white ones... :drool: ... I was trying to pursuade my parents how uncommon these colours were (and tail types, all I've seen is VTs) but they shut before I could get one... Sooo.... I was wondering.... Can I base my community around one? At the mo its...
20g long
Has 6 C. undulatus (not brightly coloured or nippy)

And thats it. So if I added a betta into the mix, what else could I have? I know some of you will say 'keep them alone!', but at the moment I've got a 3g spare which can be divided, a 3g with a betta in that I can divide and my comm. If I get lucky, I might divide the 3g with the betta in because its got a heater and get 2, but the other 3g doesn't have a heater and my rooms not highly warm. And getting heaters will be a bit expensive for now (I owe my dad £40 (although he only thinks its £20...) and I spent £7 on a lightbulb :blink: ). So anyways. Can I get away with it? If anything happens I can put him in the 3g or get a 1g.

PLUS... It might count as a betta rescue... They aren't too healthy looking, however this is because they've put them in with the platties :/ . The poor yellowy one was flaring like crazy... There was no fungus or anything on them, so I'd imagine with a bit of TLC they'll get better.
As I said, to simplify (I got carried away...) what else can I put in the community that won't annoy the betta?

EDIT- Apart from water, ha ha ha.
20 long -- danios *might* work, but they can be nippy in small groups. some other school of tetras could be managed; harlequins perhaps? (very attractive tetra and on the small side. don't even remotely look like bettas, so should be ok.)

i'd aim for another schooling species, since there's safety in numbers. just get a single school going and max it out with just the betta, corys, and X.
Well... What about... Getting one and putting it in the comm. , then when I get a heater, putting it in the 3g. But If I can't resist and get 2, putting one in the comm and one in the 3g, then getting another 3g... Or dividing the 3g I already have. It depends how expensive they are TBH.
Bump. The PC screwed up so I'm not sure how far down the unread this was... Anyways I've narrowed it down a bit...
If I get one-
1. Put in community, work stocking around it and if anything happens move to 3g (which I'll try to get a heater for)
2. Put in community and divide off about 5 gallons. I don't mind doing this.
3. Put in unheated 3g (which I want to advoid because I want nice warm water to ensure he gets to optimum health)

If I weaken and get 2-
1. Put one in the community, put my VT in the unheated and the new one in the heated 3g. The one in the community can have options one and two above.

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