Wad Shall I Get


Jun 3, 2005
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What other corys should i get to live with my panda?Can i get pymeaus(how do u spell it?) cory?Cause my LFS sell like 50¢ each
What other corys should i get to live with my panda?Can i get pymeaus(how do u spell it?) cory?Cause my LFS sell like 50¢ each

Pygmeaus are the smallest Cory available, and do well in most aquariums. What other fish do you currently have in the tank, and how large is it? Space providing, I would also recommend C.Aeneus (Bronze or Albino Corys) if you want something easier to keep.
I think ill get the pygmeaus and my tank is 10 gal i think.. But i want cories that will fill up the mid water cause it will look veri empty..What floating plants should i get to let the pygmeaus hide at the water surface
Quite simply this will not occur, in general all species of cories are quintesentially bottom dwellers spending most of their time on the bottom. No matter the habitat this is where they will prefer to be, you cant change the behaviour bred into a bottom dwelling fish.
Quite simply this will not occur, in general all species of cories are quintesentially bottom dwellers spending most of their time on the bottom. No matter the habitat this is where they will prefer to be, you cant change the behaviour bred into a bottom dwelling fish.

Thats what I told him/her over MSN, but he/she was adament that there were 'two types' of pygmaeus, one bottom and one mid-dweller. If you are looking for mid-dwellers aswell, perhaps a few Tetras? But be wary of over-stocking, and keep up with the water changes.
im not sure abt the mid water thing but i saw in the lfs tank which is full of pygmeaus swimming in mid water then resting at the bottom in like 10 mins later.....
im not sure abt the mid water thing but i saw in the lfs tank ( i go dere veri often to help out dere) which is full of pygmeaus swimming in mid water then resting at the bottom in like 10 mins later.....

They were most likely doing it out of stress.
Cories are primarily bottom dwelling fish, sand substrate is best for them. If you just have one panda cory, you'll need more (3-4 would be good), personally i would not advise another species of cory as this is already a small tank.
You need to include info on how many fish you have exactly in the tank currently :nod: .
im not sure abt the mid water thing but i saw in the lfs tank which is full of pygmeaus swimming in mid water then resting at the bottom in like 10 mins later.....

It's also possible it was a simple case of mistaken identity...

Corydoras pygmaeus,

ESPECIALLY small/young individuals, with clamped fins, in the stress of a crowded fish store tank, look a GREAT deal like the common
Otocinclus vittatus

when the oto is not attached to the glass. Otos WILL move mid-water and often rest on plants, wood, and whatever else is about.
A very similar looking fish is C. Hastatus and unlike most corys they often swim in the middle almost preferring to swim in the middle. Maybe case of mistaken identity?
Are you talkig about the 3 ft tank in your sig with 18 panda cories listed? Why more cories instead of variety? Like tetras or rasboras or danios.
err...have I missed something? I thought both pygmaeus and hastatus did swim in the middle column. That's what all my books say anyway.

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