B BettaBum873 Fishaholic Joined Feb 16, 2006 Messages 466 Reaction score 0 Location Hill-billy dumping ground, NY Apr 12, 2006 #1
R RandomWiktor Rabid Betta Activist Joined Jan 24, 2005 Messages 1,845 Reaction score 3 Location USA Apr 12, 2006 #2 Hmmm. Well, most VT females I've had have had pretty broad, long tails. I'd say MAYBE a PK; her fins look more like my female PK's at least.
Hmmm. Well, most VT females I've had have had pretty broad, long tails. I'd say MAYBE a PK; her fins look more like my female PK's at least.
L lisie Fish Herder Joined Nov 17, 2005 Messages 1,197 Reaction score 0 Location Finger Lakes, NY Apr 12, 2006 #3 The best way to know is probably where you got her from... if she's from a LPS, chances are she's a VT, unless the place normally stocks PKs.
The best way to know is probably where you got her from... if she's from a LPS, chances are she's a VT, unless the place normally stocks PKs.
OP OP B BettaBum873 Fishaholic Joined Feb 16, 2006 Messages 466 Reaction score 0 Location Hill-billy dumping ground, NY Apr 12, 2006 #4 They're always getting random bettas there, they've had double tails, crowntails and even a delta tail, I think they just take whatever kind of female the breeder feels like sending
They're always getting random bettas there, they've had double tails, crowntails and even a delta tail, I think they just take whatever kind of female the breeder feels like sending