Thats what I'm getting at Trod. The Skimmer was designed to run the tank it was intended for. Of course there are skimmers out there that perform a hulluva lot better and would do a better job of skimming on that volume of water even over skimming. The Plug and Play tanks are exactly what they say on the tin a fully integrated aquarium packages.
I have a V2 Skim 400 (I have a bespoke aquarium which I built myself) The skimmer is attached to the sump beneath the main aquarium, It is quite large and the pump that runs it is like a brick. So you got to ask yourself "do you want a brick inside your Orca and what's more you'll have to adapt the rim or build a shelf to accommodate the skimmer itself. Aesthetically this would not be a pleasing sight.
So I would just go with the bog standard equipment that comes with the package for the short term. Get your system up and running (this in itself may be a long process)
Aquascape, Stock and Learn from your achievements and disappointments. As this will be the building blocks from which you will progress and upgrade when the time is right.