

Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2006
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As a girlie, my friends tell me about their shopping weekends, whilst I prefer to clean my tanks and browse through my local LFS stores.

What do you prefer?????????

Crowds, stuffy changing rooms, endless cueing, negotiating trollys and pushchairs V's peaceful fish. :blink:
Thats a hard one.. I would have to go half and half..I love to shop and I love all my fishes.. :good: A few of my friends think im a bit crazy..Because I love my fish ..
i hate crowds with a passion they make me foam at the mouth! does that answer the question :lol:
Staying at home!, fish watching is a bonus :) I've never been the type to go out shopping, I only shop when necassary,I go to my lfs at least twice a week usually more, even if I don't need anything, I have to have a look just incase I see any bargain tanks / plants / offers on food etc.
Do you go to huntingdon garden& leisure thing?Just curious because i'm near you.
I definitely choose blowing all my money on my fish and other pets(1 dog, 1 cat, 2 chameleons, 1 water dragon, 1 scorpion, two horses, and 19 fish :hyper: ). I'm a plumber so I don't need nice clothes and ornamental junk laying around the house.

I despise shopping for clothing and trinkets, I'll buy clothes maybe once a year and only if I need something. :crazy: The odd thing is I love fabric shopping and gawking at interesting clothes. Conventional stores just don't do it for me, I end up griping about the poor quality materials and haphazard assembly.

I do love shopping for groceries (have a couple of wonderful grocery stores in the area), kitchen nonsense, craft stuff, computer gadgets, fish and aquarium gear. :good: I also enjoy cleaning tanks and cooing over my loaches.
Yeah cheesy feet I go sometimes, but I tend to go more to look at the fish as they are more expensive then p@h for basic supplies, but they have a much better selection of fish and are better cared for.
Well personally I'm a freak :lol: I'd rather be at home tending to my animals than even go to a party, let alone a mall (unless it's a giantic mall of only fish stores :drool:)

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