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Vote Now! - August 2021 Tank of the Month Contest (31G & larger)

Vote Now for August 2021 Tank of the Month (31 gallons and larger)

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Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

Tank of the Month
We have 9 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' August 2021 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of this thread and click on your choice for TOTM and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

This poll will end on August 14th at 4:38 PM ET (US)

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.
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Here is my 36G Acrylic, it's a couple of decades old now and really should of been changed by now but I struggle to part with it. As deep as it is, I manage pretty well, as I have experienced in the past, it's best to just stick to silk plants. It runs with a 1600lph power head and a over head filter system under the hood. It cleans itself very well, all I do are water changes, filter cleans and glass. I will confess now, "gulp" I have never ever used a ph test in any single tank I have owned on my life, and I never get a problem, I dont have diseases or fungus or infection, I do regular strict water changes with tap safe. All my tanks are the same or just bio run. Guess I'm lucky or have magic water lol.
In here are Weatherloach, Marble swords. Neon tetra, False tetras, White tip. Nerite snails. Like everyone I occasionally suffer with an algae bloom, typically now! But I'm never one who worries about stuff like that as it soon goes, it's all part of life in the tank! I'm not fussy :)
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August 2021 TFF TOTM.jpg

August 2021 TFF TOTM: This is our 75 gallon, Blue Dream Riparian Forest Tank. We replaced the tank's cover with plastic lighting grid from a hardware store to support the stalks. The Lucky Bamboo is rooted in the gravel. So long as the leaves are above the water, the bamboo grows like mad. This tank saw it's peak nitrates drop from circa 40ppm to 5ppm! Algae has virtually vanished from the lack of nitrate. It is filled with 12 Electric Blue Acaras and a couple of albino plecos. We're not sure if we should break up the 'blue' with Red Severums but it would be striking array of colors! I like to over filter and plan to overstock (for peace) such that this tank has two, 500gph filters, one entirely biomedia, the other, carbon and Purigen. I like to use riparian plants in all of my tanks as the nitrate reduction is spectacular. I use pothos on the others and saw a 75% nitrate drop! The fish seem to love the bamboo though. They weave through the stalks and seem to create personal territories within them. And no one eats these plants (the only plant I'd dare try with Severums!) !
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August 2021 TFF TOTM:
Hi guys, this is my most recent setup just 2 weeks now
The tank is 200lt with its build in internal bio filter and led llight. I have placed white sand on the front and terra substrate on the back. The residents for now are 10 moly, 4 pleko, 10 zebras. Since I got kids I usually build with them and place lego sets inside the tanks which is pretty tricky since lego floats but I find ways to come around, so in this tank we have a lego deep sea base and a floating submarine. I have also placed two underwater lights inside focusing on the display.
I had my first fry already this week woohoo!!!
You can see these in the box on the top left.
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This is my 47-gallon tall pentagon tank, It was originally used for my hamster, Lightning, But she passed away, and now I'm using it for tetras
Stocking (ik some ppl get mad at me for it, but it's not going to be my current stocking forever)- 3 Bloodfin tetras, 10+ silvertip tetras, 20+ mystery snails (because they had babies, and half of the clutch died...) and 4 Hitchhikers (ramshorn snails)
Future stocking: 20 neon tetras, 15 silvertip tetras, 15 bloodfin tetras
Filter: Marine land 200 filter
water parameters:
pH: 6.5
GH: 7
no3: 0

feeding schedule: I feed them twice a day, in the morning and night

The tank itself is 11+ years old, but Its been setup for 3 months or so
Here is my 2nd attempt with this tank at tank of the month. Although there have been a few little changes. This is my 55 gallon shrimp/community tank. Definitely my most heavily planted tank. If I could only remember what plants I put in the list would be way more specific. I know I have Java moss and a crypt, and frogbit for my floaters. A hair grass, and another grass (papyrus?). To be honest, living in Maui we get what shows up at the pet shop, and I am really bad at marking down the names or remembering what they all are. But there’s a few different species in there.
Fish-wise, I have 15 lambchop rasbora, 9 zebra danio, 3 honey gourami, 1 red tailed black shark, 1 guppy (got him in a bag of shrimp as a tiny little fry), and about 75 various colored neocardina shrimps, and 30-40 Hawaiian opae’ula shrimp.
The main decor I have just recently changed up. The sandfall in the center I just finished constructing. As you can see in the video, it still needs a little tweaking to stop the air bubbles from coming out the sand pit/intake, but it still looks great when the bubbles aren’t blowing sand. It’s concrete, dyed black, and coated in epoxy (to stop any ph swings), along with that I also added the zebra stone.
Filtered by a penn plax cascade 700, and a large sponge filter.
The lighting is a hygger 24/7 full spectrum planted led bar (also want to replace that).
I do water changes about every week to 10 days. I don’t actually vacuum the substrate much because there’s always lil baby shrimps around. For substrate I am using the fluval stratum. It’s great for the roots of my plants.
I also just recently switched ferts from seachem flourish to aquarium co-op’s Easy Green all in one. I do still add seachem flourish excel to keep any excess algae at bay.

Hope you all like it! Aloha 🤙🏽

(edit I forgot the tetras, fixed video per moderator suggestion)
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Hello all! Here is my 135G planted tank. The tank is only about a month old and is an upgrade from a 50G. Yes, all that you see was in a 50 gallon! I just added some big river rocks I picked up at a gardening store and added a couple of large manzanita driftwood. Old bio media and substrate was transfered for instant cycling.
Substrate is eco complete capped with black sand. About 40 root tabs were placed before flooding the tank.
Lighting consist of a pair of 3ft Finnex ALC and a pair of 3ft Finnex Stingray 2.
Filtration is a Fluval FX4 and a Sunsun 304B.
Pressurize CO2 is used in this tank which is diffused by a Rex Grigg reactor
I found that joining a local FB group can get you some really good deals on used equipment!
I use Thrive plus for fertlizer 3x a week and do a 50G weekly wc. With pumps and long hoses, it doesnt really take me long to do wc.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates will go to about 20 to 30 before a wc
Temp is at around 77 -78 even tho the heater never comes on.
Ph starts at 7.2 and drops to about 6.4 due to CO2 injection.
KH 5
GH 7
Fishes are fed once daily. 2 days of dry and 3rd day of frozen food.

7 Harlequin Rasboras
5 Rummynose Tetras
4 Rummynose Rasboras
8 Neon Tetras
2 Sunset Honey Gouramis
2 Siamese Algae Eaters
1 Hillstream Loach
4 Panda Cories
1 Celestial Pearl Danio
1 Pygmy Cory
4 Sparkling Gourami
4 Emperor Tetras
6 Congo Tetras
6 Pristella Tetras
3 Otocinclus
2 Chili Rasbora

Crypt undalata
Crypt Wendtii
Crypt Lucen
Crypt Purperea
Amazon Sword
Dwarf Sag
Leopard Val
Pogostemon Stellatus
Pogostemon Helferi
Ludwigia Triple Red
Ludwigia White
Hygrophilia Carymbosa
Ammania Gracilis
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Nana Petite
Anubias Frazeri
Bacopa Caroliania
Hygrophilia Stricta
Hygrophila Cordata

Thank you!
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Hi everyone,

Here is Rainbow Corner, a low-tech 55 gallon rainbowfish tank. It has been running for 10 months. The fish stocking includes three types of rainbowfish: 4 Melanotaenia Boesemani “Aves Creek”, 4 Melanotaenia Parva “Lake Kurumoi,” and 7 Melanotaenia Maccullochi "Stark River." I also have 4 Panda Garras in the tank. The filtration includes a 2217 Eheim canister and one sponge filter. The setup includes a Hydor in-line heater and a Marineland LED strip light. The substrate is pool filter sand covered with several types of botanicals, including Live Oak leaves and Fishtail Palm Stems. The tank is a low-tech with no CO2, with the following plants:

- Anubias (Nana, Nana Thick Leaf, and Barteri Nana Long Wavy)
- Bucephalandra Rainbow Marble
- Ludwigia Natans Super Red
- Cryptocoryne (Tropica and Mioya)
- Echinodorus Peruensis;
- Hygrophila Angustifolia
- Mini Bolbitis
- Vallisneria
- Cabomba
- Hades

I use Seachem tabs as fertilizer and I change 65% of the water every week. I feed the fish four times a day since some of the rainbows are still juveniles. Water parameters: PH 7.7, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 12, Gh 371, KH 121, Phosphate 0.6.

I hope you enjoy it.
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This is my 80 Gallon Cichlid Community Tank.

The inhabitants currently include 4 Orange Chromides, 8 Green Tiger Barbs, 1 Pink Convict, and 1 Juvenile Jack Dempsey. After my Blue Acara Died, the Chromides got super agressive with my Fire Mouths and had to remove the pair. They were also billing my Rainbow Cichlid, so he got moved to the 90 gallon eartheater tank. I am hoping once the JD is bigger the Chromides will calm down and I can put my FMs back in.

The tank has generic black aquarium sand and the hardscape is Seiryu Stones and various interesting rocks gifted to me by my mother, lava rock, a large red stone that cost entirely too much, and a piece of driftwood hidden in the back. The plants include water lettuce, standard duckweed, Giant duckweed, water spangles, Java fern, and an absolutely giant anubias.

The equipment has a recently upgraded MingDak light, a Quietflow 75, 2 200 watt heaters, and an adjustable Uniclife air pump hooked up to a plastic airstone.

The tank has been set up since early March. I feed various flake and micro pellets foods by BugBites 4 days a week, and various frozen and live food 1 day a week, blanched veggies 1 day a week, and one fasting day after veggies.

As you can tell, I am not particularly good at aqua scaping (I never seem to get it right, lol) but I really do enjoy watching fish interactions. I hope to purchase either a Green or Blue Phantom this weekend.
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20210804_133412a.jpgOk, so here's my entry to August's tank of the month competition. A recently established, 2 months, attempt at a planted tank. It's a Juwel Rio 240 (53 gallons) with 2 filters operating, the internal Juwel one and an external Fluval 307. The inhabitants are as follows.
1 male Betta
7 Ember Tetras
12 Otocinclus
11 Cardinal Tetras
9 Pentazona Barbs
3 False Juuli Cories
3 Salt and Pepper Cories

Plant wise I have the following.
Ceratopteris Siliquosa
Microsorum Pteropus
Elocharis Acicularis
Echinodorus Ozelot Green
Hydrocotyle Tripartita
Cryptocoryne Petchii
Echinodorus Parviflorus
Cryptocoryne Undulatus Green
Cryptocoryne Becketti
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown
Hygrophila Polysperma
Hygrophila Corymbosa

I feed flake only at the moment but will be adding to that with live and/or frozen food in the coming days.
Current water stats
PH 7.4
GH 13
KH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Temperature 26 deg c
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 9 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at that top of this thread.

Our popular Fish of the Month contest will be accepting entries starting around August 13th. For this month, we will feature Plecos. If you have a Pleco in your household, take a nice pic of your fish and be ready to enter the contest.
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We have a very close race. Just 2 votes separate the top 4 entries. If you haven't yet voted, please vote now. If you have voted, thanks for participating in our TOTM contest.

Fish of the Month will be accepting entries around August 13th and will feature Plecos. So take those pics of your Pleco and be ready to enter the contest.
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We have a winner! Waterbabe has won August 2021 Tank of the Month with her very unique tubular well stocked and decorated tank. If you'd like to congratulate her, head over to the TOTM Winner thread by clicking HERE

Coming in a very close second place is Razzmatazz with his awesome 135 Gallon aquascaped and well stocked tank. Nice job, Razzmatazz.

And coming in 3rd place is dasaltelemolosguy with his 75 gallon, Blue Dream Riparian Forest Tank. What an awesome very unique tank setup - well done!

Thanks for all who participated in this contest. For those who didn't win or didn't enter, be sure to enter a future contest and show off your tanks.

Right now, we are accepting entries in our Fish of the Month contest. This month, we are featuring Plecos. If you have a Pleco, take a good picture of him and enter it in the contest.
You can view the entry thread by clicking the link below:
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