

Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2004
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Cycling a New Tank and Fish Choice:

A tank can be cycled using fish (actually their wastes, other aquatic animals work as well) or ammonia added directly. Cycling a tank with fish means adding fish so that they produce ammonia to promote the growth of the bacteria that convert it to nitrite and then nitrate. A tank is "cycled" when ammonia and nitrite readings are sustainably zero (they stay zero for at least a few weeks), and nitrate readings increase. Many people tell new aquarists to cycle their tanks with cheap or trash fish like feeder fish, danios, guppies, etc., and then to get rid of them or return them to the store. I do not believe this to be a good choice. First, these fish are not respected and being treated poorly are most likely full of diseases, bacteria, and/or parasites. These are then introduced into the new tank and stay there. Second, after the tank is cycled, the fish have to go somewhere. If unwanted fish were used, they either go back to the store (in which case the stress most likely kills them) or are killed outright. It is much better to use fish that one intends to keep to cycle the tank. There is NO reason that a single initially-healthy fish should die during cycling (see information above on water changes). Anyone who tells you that it is "normal" for a fish to die is misinformed or trying to sell you more fish.

The fish desired in the tank should be determined ahead of time. A few of the most hardy of those should be the first inhabitants of the tank that will get the nitrogen cycle going. These fish will remain in the tank when the tank is cycled, and new fish are added. Good cycling fish that can be kept in most community tanks include fancy guppies, small danios, small tetras, small barbs, white cloud mountain minnows, etc. Even most so-called sensitive fish can be used to cycle a tank without dying. In rare cases, it may actually be necessary to cycle a tank with fish that cannot remain in the tank forever (like a piranha tank). Ideally, these fish would be moved to a tank of their own after cycling. Algae eating and bottom dwelling fish such as plecostomus, otocinclus, algae eaters, snails, corydoras catfish (cories), and freshwater shrimp should not be added until after the tank has been set up for a while and algae and bottom debris are present.

by Robyn's Water Chemistry Page
Yep thats about right, but most of the members here subscribe to the fishless cycling method of adding ammonia to simulate fish waste. This is much easier on the fish :)
Your heading was 'Is this true' - Do you mean what do we think the article or are you asking whether you can cycle with fish as the article says or even do some people say use cheep disposable fish - I confused - sorry I can be really drippy sometimes. :*)

Anyway I cycled with chosen fish (ones i intended to keep), was lucky and kept ontop of it and go lots of great advice from everyone here at TFF - all fish were OK through the cycle.

I do not agree with cycling with disposable fish or any of that stuff, every fish has a life. I am not against cyclilng with fish as long as the owner takes enough care to do the best for fish.

Unfortunately, when I first go my tank I had no idea that it needed to be cycled and that spikes might kill the fish, therefore I obviously cycled with fish and I certainly did not know anything about fishless cycling before I found TFF.

With my second tank I did a fishless cycle and personally I found it so much more relaxing, because I was not in a panic and not worried about any fish dying.

To be honest I am actually pleased to have done one of each, (fishless and with fish) because I think I learned more and have a better understanding of the cycle from it all.

Hope something in there anwers your question - Nice to talk to you. :D :p
In the uk , near where I live it is nearly impossible to source ammonia. Therefore I did my first ever cycle using leopard danios. These danios,three years later, are still alive and well, living at my aunties house down the road!! :D
Most people prefer to fishless cycle these days.......but for me it wasn't an option. I don't,however,agree with "disposable" fish........all fish matter!!

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