Von Rio Tetra With A Hurt Fin


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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I didn't post this in the emergency section because it isn't emergent. The below pictured tetra has a back fin that looks torn or damaged...I took about 20 pics before giving up and uploading this one. The fish is swimming around and eating fine, so I'm not sure if this is a new problem, we've only had the tetras for 3 days and this one could already have looked like this. DO you think it's going to be a problem for it? It doesn't look like fin rot?


Thanks for looking.
Nope everyone looks fine...other then super stressed after the last water change :blink:
That may actually be worse...My tap has 1.0ppm ammonia and I did a huge water change today and everyone is looking awful...My cories are laying around and the tetras are just milling around. I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm using Prime and dosed a tiny extra to try and help. :sad: Pretty frustrated today with fishkeeping. I lost a snail that we named and adored :( But he lived in a different tank...

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