Volume Of Flow, Thru Filter


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Can anyone explain, how filter flow affects things.  My filter seems to have a pretty wide range -  what's best? Wide open (100%)? low flow (10%)? Somewhere in the middle?  What should be considered?
Open to the max. The higher the flow rate, the more water that goes throught the filter, supplying the required oxygen and ammonia for you filter bacteria.
There really isn't any point reducing a filter's flow, especially that you can damage a filter that way due to back pressure unless the manufacturer specifically says it's ok.
Flow is a concern only for certain fish that come from swamp like conditions, and then one needs to compensate with something else, like plants to eat ammonia.
I believe in keeping it to the max. There are very few filters which will result in you having too much flow through your tank, and unless your having too much flow (which I can't tell through your numbers), more flow is always better in my opinion.

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