Fish Aficionado
Just feel like sharing what I've done so far. I posted a while ago when I finished one of the living room ones. I'll repost it again though.
These are done using shelving vinyl called ConTact paper. I bought myself 2 big rolls of white and black. I figured if I needed color, I could just use some paint. Depending on if I'm painting or not, I either draw the design on the front or the back and then cut it out w/ an xacto knife.
My lil Zombie. It's in the living room right above the double doors that lead in to the sunroom.
Big flowy thing.... lol
This one is also in the living room. This one took me forever to finish.
Photo was obviously taken before I started on the bottom part
Then there's the griffon I did for the heck of it in the computer room. Not too fond of this one, think I just need to add more.
And here's the beginning of the mural I plan on doing for the nursery. We don't have kids yet, but we're hoping and trying. All of the walls are going to be covered in a fantasy type of setting.
Not done. It's going to take forever b/c the paint I have does not like sticking to the vinyl.
And finally what I just completed. I wanted to add something to the zombies. I decided on this. I know it looks like it was inspired by Tim Burton. It wasn't meant to be though. Hard to not look like BUrton's stuff since it's black and twisty heh. I just wanted it to contrast w/ the white flowy one that's on the adjacent wall. My zombies don't really match it but that's ok.
Next project will probably to continue with the nursery mural. I already have what I want to do next. Just need to get motivated to actually start on it.
These are done using shelving vinyl called ConTact paper. I bought myself 2 big rolls of white and black. I figured if I needed color, I could just use some paint. Depending on if I'm painting or not, I either draw the design on the front or the back and then cut it out w/ an xacto knife.

My lil Zombie. It's in the living room right above the double doors that lead in to the sunroom.

Big flowy thing.... lol
This one is also in the living room. This one took me forever to finish.

Photo was obviously taken before I started on the bottom part

Then there's the griffon I did for the heck of it in the computer room. Not too fond of this one, think I just need to add more.

And here's the beginning of the mural I plan on doing for the nursery. We don't have kids yet, but we're hoping and trying. All of the walls are going to be covered in a fantasy type of setting.
Not done. It's going to take forever b/c the paint I have does not like sticking to the vinyl.

And finally what I just completed. I wanted to add something to the zombies. I decided on this. I know it looks like it was inspired by Tim Burton. It wasn't meant to be though. Hard to not look like BUrton's stuff since it's black and twisty heh. I just wanted it to contrast w/ the white flowy one that's on the adjacent wall. My zombies don't really match it but that's ok.

Next project will probably to continue with the nursery mural. I already have what I want to do next. Just need to get motivated to actually start on it.