Viewing My Own Past Posts


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
Reaction score
On other forums I'm familiar with, I can go to my profile and click either topics or posts to view all my past posts. Here, I only see maybe the last 5 posts and I find it a little frustrating. I use this as a way to keep track of my posts (since I often don't remember to track that post...and I don't check my e-mail daily anyway). I could always search for myself, but that gets tedious.

Am I just missing something obvious, like a way to expand how many posts you see by clicking on the profile?
I just click on my name at the upper right and a pull-down shows topics I'm in (My Content).

On the left, under your profile picture, there is a Find My Contents tab. You can change this after it comes up to posts, topics started, or both.
I just click on my name at the upper right and a pull-down shows topics I'm in (My Content).


I don't have this goes from my settings to messenger. What skin are you using for the forums?

Ah, found it...I was using "gray lustrous" as my skin (I never picked it, it was just my default). The Blue Justice skin has the my content option.

Thanks so much! This will make things much easier!
Ive been wanting to do this for a long time as well. I used to be able to and miss it as a facility as its nice to see the old thread etc
change to Blue Justice 2.0 it works for me now :)

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