Tommy Gunnz
Fish Crazy
Hey everyone!
I finally figured out how to get the videos off of my camcorder and onto my computer. It is one of those cameras that saves to a hard drive and let me tell you, they are awesome but much much smarter than I am! Anyways, I got the camera for a wedding gift and started experimenting with it a little bit. Please forgive me for the really bad quility videography, like I said, it was my first time and very sunny out so there are some reflextions from my window on the glass.
Anyways, this is my 55 gallon "ship wreck" tank. Right now I have 6 bala sharks, two tinfoil barbs, one algea eater, a pleco (common), an apple snail, and two peacock eels in it. All of these fish are about to move to my brother's 900 gallon tank (the bastard got one of those island like tanks for 500 bucks from some guy who was getting divorced!) as soon as it is all cycled and ready. He has had it up now for about a month and a half, but it still has very cloudy water and he is struggling to get his nitrites down.
I hope you enjoy this tank as much as I do! It is always such a great tank to just sit and stare at. I often find myself getting distracted from doing my assignments for college because I am watching these busy fish. I have been planning on making this a cichlid tank for some time, but my local LFS is advertising for all the needed equipment to have a saltwater tank for $700 (US). Since I already have the tank, I think I could really save on that deal and might look at getting into a reef tank! So many options, so little time!
(If this link doesn't work, just copy and paste to your address bar!)
I finally figured out how to get the videos off of my camcorder and onto my computer. It is one of those cameras that saves to a hard drive and let me tell you, they are awesome but much much smarter than I am! Anyways, I got the camera for a wedding gift and started experimenting with it a little bit. Please forgive me for the really bad quility videography, like I said, it was my first time and very sunny out so there are some reflextions from my window on the glass.
Anyways, this is my 55 gallon "ship wreck" tank. Right now I have 6 bala sharks, two tinfoil barbs, one algea eater, a pleco (common), an apple snail, and two peacock eels in it. All of these fish are about to move to my brother's 900 gallon tank (the bastard got one of those island like tanks for 500 bucks from some guy who was getting divorced!) as soon as it is all cycled and ready. He has had it up now for about a month and a half, but it still has very cloudy water and he is struggling to get his nitrites down.
I hope you enjoy this tank as much as I do! It is always such a great tank to just sit and stare at. I often find myself getting distracted from doing my assignments for college because I am watching these busy fish. I have been planning on making this a cichlid tank for some time, but my local LFS is advertising for all the needed equipment to have a saltwater tank for $700 (US). Since I already have the tank, I think I could really save on that deal and might look at getting into a reef tank! So many options, so little time!

(If this link doesn't work, just copy and paste to your address bar!)