Video Of My Tank...


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Harrogate, England
Here is a video i have taken of my tank, enjoy!
Hi Tor,

The first fish you see on the video, are they Bueno Aires? If so i used to have one and i found them to be the most aggressive fish iv ever kept, just wondering how aggressive yours are?

Brilliant tank though, i bet the fish love it :)
Hi Tor,

The first fish you see on the video, are they Bueno Aires? If so i used to have one and i found them to be the most aggressive fish iv ever kept, just wondering how aggressive yours are?

Brilliant tank though, i bet the fish love it :)

No, they are Black Phantom Tetras and they are friendly. Thanks, yea they do like all the spaces to hide, makes it difficult to clean though...
Great aquascape! I love the colors & the Black Phantoms are awesome too.
Yes, agreeing. A very nice tank :)
After seeing the video ,the photo in your signature doesn't do the tank justice.
I love the black phantoms :) , they are so beautiful. Great tank thanks for sharing .

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