Video And Sounds Inside My Aquarium


Fish Herder
Apr 15, 2010
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Okay guys, see what you think of this video. Ever wonder what it sounds like inside your aquariums? I was curious, and the results surprised me. Depending on where the camera moved inside the tank, the sounds totally changed.
This video was taken with my GoPro Hero 4 with an external macro lens attached to the standard waterproof housing. I rigged a loop handle out of extra airline tubing that allowed me to suspend the camera in the tank and smooth the movement a little bit as I moved it around.
My angels were not too happy about the alien with the blinking red light, but the other fish seemed to take it a little more calmly.
weird ... it makes you understand why they get skittish sometimes. I always thought the the only sounds would be the trickle of water from the filter but it's clearly not!
The next thing I'm going to test is figure out which equipment is causing that weird pulsing sound. Sounds like a 50s alien movie soundtrack to me. The only equipment that should make noise is the HOB filter and an airpump. The airpump is giving me surface turbulance in the mini-tank insert where I currently have a small fish in. As soon as that fish is big enough to survive my angels I can eliminate that sound source.
when ever I use the video on my camera there's this weird pulsing noise and it took me ages to figure out was it was!! The microphone on the camera is near where your hand fits ... the noise is the microphone picking up my pulse from my wrist! 
Cool vid. Does sound like crickets lol
I also thought you would only really hear the filter return and pump
I will do some testing this weekend and try to isolate the sounds. I'm curious...
Interesting, do you have co2 running in this tank or any airstones?
No CO2. One air stone is running in the small tank hanging on the side. I hope to run tests this weekend to figure out what is what in terms of sound.

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