Very Yellow Water


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
I have a 10 gal tank that has been properly cycled and stable for a month I recently cleaned my entire aquarium including my sponge which I rinsed in the bathroom sink full of aquarium treated water. The sponge I am using is fairly old which really helped my tank cycle quickly. When I rinsed the sponge I was amazed to find it dyed all the water yellow after cleaning it thoroughly I returned the sponge to the aquarium I've recently noticed my aquarium water turned quite yellow and cloudy. All test show near prefect conditions with water (with the exception of ph which is natural high in my area). Any suggestions? For the past week in attempt to reduce the yellowness I've been changing the water 10% per day (fish are exceptionally happy).
Cant say for sure. Have any chemicals or meds been used lately? Also when you say near perfect could you elaborate. The actual levels will help those here offer more definite solutions. How did you cycle the tank and how many and type of fish are in there. :)
Current occupants: 2 bronze catfish, 1 pleco, 1 pearl gourami, 1 black molly
Chemicals: stress free (a drop whenever I change the water)
Water is changed 10% everyday for the past week; I prepare the water three days in advance and add stress free to kill all remaining chlorine I simply scoop out water from the top of the tank very slowly to not stress the fish about 4 litters worth, warm the prepared water in a sink (sealed milk bottle full of aquarium water soaking in warm water until brought till current aquarium temperature), pour in the water and scoop out with a net any settlement that rises to the top.
PH 7.4
140 - 210 ppm
Ammonia 0
7 dKH
Nitrate - 0 mg/L
Nitrite – out of tester fluid (will get results when Wal-Mart opens tomorrow morning should be very low)
I’ve noticed today that mold seems to be growing on my sponge filter, bad sign I think yes, but then again I’m new to the fish business
Not only is the water turning yellow but it is also extremely cloudily (alga bloom I'm suspecting)
What I'm thinking of doing is cleaning the filter and sponge once more and continuing with frequent water changes.
Any ideas and suggestion would be so helpful

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