Very vicious female betta

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
I posted the other day about one of my females becoming very vicious and destroying my male crowntail's tail. They had been conditioned for about three weeks, and then when I introduced her to his tank she just attacked him. She's really lovely colours so I'd love to breed her with my lovely male. Thing is, she's even really aggressive with my other females that are in my all-female-betta tank with her. She's destroyed alot of tails! :crazy: I know for definate that she's not a plakat male because I had her in another tank before that with guppies and I know that if she was a male then she would of fought with them but she didn't - and also I've mated her with this male before and they spawned but nothing came of it.
What shall I do? She's living on her own because she's so nasty! Should I buy another female to breed with my male?
Please help!
Thanks in advance!
Your male must not live up to the hype... in her eye :p
I have a female that will cooperate(won't try to kill) with only one of my males. Maybe If you found the right male for her.
Another thing, you shouldn't add her in the tank freely right away. Put her in a candle chimney or something else that is clear and the male cant get to her.
Just wondering... does your male make a bubble nest before you add him??
Yes the male makes a very big bubble nest. He's built one this morning that takes up half of his 5gal tank! And he's on his own. I do put the female in a candle chimney first. I float her there for about an hour and they flare up at eachother like mad, and the male frantically puts more bubbles in his nest. It's lovely to see them both flaring and then I let her out and she attackes him. :-( It's sad to see. And dissapointing.
I don't think she will flare at him if she is ready to spawn... Does she Bar up or does she stay a solid color??
She stays a solid colour - I've never seen her bar up. But she spawned with him before, and I don't think she barred up then either. Then again I'm not sure..... :dunno:
She should flare at him from the chimney, but some females don't. I would be more worried if she looked scared and trying to avoid him at all costs, even eye contact. If she is a dark color, she should bar up when she is ready to breed. I have had a female go in to a spawning tank with a male, and they tried spawning, but they could never get the wrap right the first time, but next try around, she about killed him, ripping off every one of his fins. She didn't like him anymore. Whether he pissed her off by not getting it right the first time, or what. I got her another male, she spawned with him 3 times, and he didn't have a spot on him torn up. They were lovers only. So, she might want another male.
Yeah I think so! Should I get her another male, and the male another female? Actually, I have more females anyway, shall I try them?
Do whatever is easiest for you and which one you want to breed. Try your other females with him. I bet one will like him. If you still want to breed that female, you can try another male. Some of them though don't care for any males and can be stubborn, but if you can try to get her another mate, then try her again with conditioning her with the new male.

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