Fish Fanatic
I am now the not so proud owner of an EXTREMELY skinny green spotted puffer. I only have a 20g tank with fish who's fins he'd shred so he will need a new home that can accommodate him. I got him from a WalMart today. They started out with 12 gsp in okay shape 3 weeks ago and when I went in today he was the last one alive and VERY skinny. His belly is completely pinched in. I've never seen a fish this skinny that's still alive. They are trying to get their fish section sorted out(too many deaths) and promised me they weren't ordering puffers or dragon fish again since they all died and the puffers starved. I normally don't do a pity purchase but since he was the last one and they'd already agreed to not order anymore I didn't see much harm in at least trying to save him. I already provided him with a bunch of snails(he needs those right?) and will give him some frozen food later. Is there anything else I can do for him? He's isolated in a kritter keeper within my 20g to save my other fish. He's about 1-2 inches long right now. I'd keep him(so much personality!) but I can't get another tank. My tank is freshwater with a tbls of aquarium salt added.
Any suggestions or adoption offers welcome. If somebody in the El Paso/Ft. Bliss area wants to take him off my hands I'd be very grateful.
Any suggestions or adoption offers welcome. If somebody in the El Paso/Ft. Bliss area wants to take him off my hands I'd be very grateful.