k my male molly had been acting kinda weird........not swimming 2 much.......but no physical signs of being ill..........but now i can see it.......he had dropsy......i think........that's when all their scales stick up right? how do u fix it he's in a 1 gallon jar......with an aireator.........i don't have a hospital tank ) and i didn't want him in with the others help me
First of all, are you sure that it's dropsy? Dropsy usually isn't super common, so make sure you fish is exhibiting the two main symptoms - bloating and scales sticking out, similiar to a pinecone and best viewed from above. Internal infection and/or organ failure are usually signaled by dropsy. Have you been having any problems with your water quality? This can sometimes be a cause, or contribute to it at least. So make sure (especially since he's in a small place), that his ammonia and nitrites stay at zero. Also - it doesn't sound like you have a heater for him, so take care to keep him at a nice warm temperature. Usually dropsy is fatal though sometimes they can spontaneously recover. You could try a salt bath, or a strong antibiotic, good luck, and I'm sorry!!
Follow my sig to diseases There are other diseases with the same possible symtoms. None of these diseases are common I'm sorry but if its dropsy then...you could try the medication.
well thanks anyways guys.........he's still kicking around but he's not gonna last.......i tried the salt.....yes all his scales are now sticking up and his stomach is bloated aw man this really sucks......my mom took my baby rabbit away and on the same day i found out my molly has dropsy oh and to top things off my betta isn't eating very much lately oh fun