Very Sick Goldfish!!!


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Jan 17, 2005
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We've just been cleaning out the pond this morning and were checking the fish over to make sure they're ok. We only had three left (out of 7! ) but the other two were very fat and healthy looking and are back in the nice clean pond. But this poor little guy doesn't look too well. He has a huge cut or something on his side. I can only guess that maybe the dog has stood on him or somethings fallen in the tank, or maybe a bird has tried to get him?? :unsure:

Anyway, he's got a bit of fungus coming on it. We've put him in a little tank and i've added some melafix, but i dont know what else to do for him!! He's swimming around fairly well and doesn't look too unhappy, but obvioulsy we dont want to just put him in the pond to die!

Any suggestions??

Here's a pic. Sorry about the quality but i didn't want to stress him unnecessarily!!


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that looks nasty. it could have been an ulcer thats trying to heal. i think all you can do is keep him in really clean water until it heals and add some fungus remedy to keep that under control. other than that i dont know, good luck with him.
Thanks for your help :) Hopefully i'll be able to get him sorted soon!
thats looks very nasty i would do some salt baths and treat him with anti internal bacteria med, good luck.
How long ago did you get these fish?When i get a new batch over 3 fish i treat the whole batch. This might be a fungus that has already killed the others.

Thanks for the replies. I got the fish this time last year. The others were lost from my puppies managing to get in the pond and standing on them. We've now put stuff over the pond to stop them though!! The dead ones had no sign of fungus or any illness on them so im thinking the fungus has developed after the wound.

He is looking much better today. He's eating well and swimming around very happily :)
The fungus is getting worse now even with the meds :/ Have done a large water change so hopefully that will help... -_-
something like maracyn might help, but as its eaten his flesh away i dont think theres much you can do for him.
maybe adding some aquarium salt might help too. add 1 level teaspoon per gallon, but i dont think any more than that would help.
Is the fish any better Jessica?
I think it could be a bacterial disease that is slowly eating the flesh, and the fungus is a secondary infection. You will need to get a broad spectrum bacterial med and keep an eye on water quality.
No, he's very sick :(

He's just led on his side at the bottom of the tank. I was thinking of euthanising him but after reading the pinned tiopic on it, there's no way i could chop his head off or something :/
To be honest as its eaten into his flesh and showing his bones euthenising him is the best thing. If you cant do it yourself then phone the vet, they can add something to the water and he will peacefully go.
:-( really sorry.
Ok.. I'll speak to them and see what they suggest.. Poor Goldfish! :-(

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