New Member
Hey there,
I have three corys who have been living happily with half a dozen diamond tetras for several months with no problems. I'm super-vigilant about water quality and change it and/or test it every day - ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels are all fine. But just over the last couple of days two of the corys have been acting kind of lethargic until this morning, one of them stopped moving at all - when I netted him to move him into a qaurantine tank he made only a feeble attempt to get away from the net. The other cory is a bit better (he rushes away when I look through the tank glass at him) and the third cory couldn't be better! The tetras are all absolutely fine as well. And I'm very confused! The sick corys were occassionally trying to bolt to the surface, would rest in the upper leaves of the aquarium plants or would just lay on the bottom of the tank, barely breathing.
Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with them?!!!
Thanks so much in advance.
I have three corys who have been living happily with half a dozen diamond tetras for several months with no problems. I'm super-vigilant about water quality and change it and/or test it every day - ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels are all fine. But just over the last couple of days two of the corys have been acting kind of lethargic until this morning, one of them stopped moving at all - when I netted him to move him into a qaurantine tank he made only a feeble attempt to get away from the net. The other cory is a bit better (he rushes away when I look through the tank glass at him) and the third cory couldn't be better! The tetras are all absolutely fine as well. And I'm very confused! The sick corys were occassionally trying to bolt to the surface, would rest in the upper leaves of the aquarium plants or would just lay on the bottom of the tank, barely breathing.
Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with them?!!!
Thanks so much in advance.