Very sick betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2022
Reaction score
Hershey, PA
Posting again because I didn’t get many responses and I need help.

My betta has severe fin rot, has lost a lot of color and is laying on his side. He was eating sparsely but as of yesterday does not seem interested in food. He has been like this for about 5 days now and gotten a little worse each day. He is having trouble balancing when he does swim to the surface, but he still tries. I had him in a quarantine tank with salt and bacterial infection remedy for about 4 days and had to move him back to his main tank because my treatment was up and I don’t want to damage him any further with salt water.

Please assume I have already done everything correctly (good water temp, good water quality, correct size tank). What else can I do?
One cannot assume anything unfortunately. Please post the results of all your tests, including the gH of your water. Are there any other inhabitants that share his tank? What is your maintenance routine like? Sorry to ask all these questions but we can't help without the answers
One cannot assume anything unfortunately. Please post the results of all your tests, including the gH of your water. Are there any other inhabitants that share his tank? What is your maintenance routine like? Sorry to ask all these questions but we can't help without the answers
You can assume because I have already tested it. I dont have any way of testing gH but all other params are normal (0 nitrates 0 nitrites 0 ammonia). I say assume because I have asked in other places and it gets tiresome to type out every time.

He only shares the tank with some small shrimp
and snails (less than 20 all together). I change 25% of the water once per week, cleaning and gravel vacuuming once per week as well.
Water hardness is very important, Betta need soft water to thrive. If you go to your water providers website and search your location, you'll be able to find the gH.

How are you testing Nitrates? Is your tank heavily planted? I ask because 0 Nitrates seems unlikely with just 25% water changes once a week.

It may helpnus to have some full tank photos and some of your Betta
Water hardness is very important, Betta need soft water to thrive. If you go to your water providers website and search your location, you'll be able to find the gH.

How are you testing Nitrates? Is your tank heavily planted? I ask because 0 Nitrates seems unlikely with just 25% water changes once a week.

It may helpnus to have some full tank photos and some of your Betta
It is very heavily planted yes, Most of the tank is filled with plants and theres a small area in the middle that is clear as a swimming area - thats how I am at 0 nitrates. I will try to get photos of him when I am home next.

I can’t find anywhere on the website what the gH is, although I did find a report that gave specific values of various minerals. I don’t know how helpful that is?
It is very heavily planted yes, Most of the tank is filled with plants and theres a small area in the middle that is clear as a swimming area - thats how I am at 0 nitrates. I will try to get photos of him when I am home next.

I can’t find anywhere on the website what the gH is, although I did find a report that gave specific values of various minerals. I don’t know how helpful that is?
No pictures of the betta currently but here is the tank:


  • IMG_0228.jpeg
    348.1 KB · Views: 27
Gorgeous tank! 😍

I'll await your photos then...
Oh dear...poor little dude ☹️ I'm not sure what to suggest really....hopefully @Colin_T might be able to help you. Is he moving at all?
Oh dear...poor little dude ☹️ I'm not sure what to suggest really....hopefully @Colin_T might be able to help you. Is he moving at all?
He does move to come up for air, and about 3-4 hours ago he ate some pellets that I gave him. Seems like he has lost all energy to swim besides that

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