Fish Fanatic
I bought 3 corys about 4 months ago, Bandit Corys (C.Metae) I believe (black stripe running right down back??!!), in the first month or so for they were active little things swimming around picking trough the gravel etc. Now days, ie for the last couple of months however, they have adopted a large cave under a piece of bog wood and sit there all day doing nothing and won't even come out to feed. They have always been quite shy but used to come out at dinner time! I was just wondering if this was normal behaviour for these guys, are they predominantly nocturnal or would they be happier in greater numbers? I drop sinking wafers just after the lights go out which I guess they eat as they must be eating something!! Any advice would be much appreciated.
They are in a 30 gal community tank with some tetras, an angel, gouramis and a rainbow shark, all of which get on fine.
PS they spawned a couple of weeks ago so I guess they can't be that unhappy?!
I bought 3 corys about 4 months ago, Bandit Corys (C.Metae) I believe (black stripe running right down back??!!), in the first month or so for they were active little things swimming around picking trough the gravel etc. Now days, ie for the last couple of months however, they have adopted a large cave under a piece of bog wood and sit there all day doing nothing and won't even come out to feed. They have always been quite shy but used to come out at dinner time! I was just wondering if this was normal behaviour for these guys, are they predominantly nocturnal or would they be happier in greater numbers? I drop sinking wafers just after the lights go out which I guess they eat as they must be eating something!! Any advice would be much appreciated.
They are in a 30 gal community tank with some tetras, an angel, gouramis and a rainbow shark, all of which get on fine.
PS they spawned a couple of weeks ago so I guess they can't be that unhappy?!