Butterfly Betta

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I never bothered to mention before that I happen to have another Betta.


This betta is 3 1/2 years old and counting. And I love her very much.

She is a crystal blue-white coloration with red tipped fins and a slight coloration of bright black near her body. Her fins are multi-colored. Near the front they are teal, then they become green, than a bluish-green [not actually teal, and then they end in red.

Her name is SkyLove and I didn't mention her originally because she was very sick. :unsure:

I wasn't that sure if she was going to live that much longer for she was suffering from fit rot and bloat. As well as a serious case of ich brought on when the power went out and her tank's temperature dropped to 70 degrees.

But now she is better, :D and doing well.

Hopefully she will live to be MUCH older than she is already.

She lives in a 2 gallon tank in my room, on my desk, with 5 neons and a small bubble filter.

A nearby outside heater, keeps the water warm so that she doesn't freeze and so that the neons don't pop off.

I just wanted to mention her cause I thought people should know about her, since she has lasted so long.

ps. she put up with my mistakes when I was originally starting out.

Three-and-a-half years is neat!
Neat on the 2-gallon tank, too.
I'm a fan of small tanks. :)

I had one male Betta that lived in a small plastic hex (with a heater and small under-gravel filter.) He lasted ~2 years, before I 'zapped him' by rushing through a (tap) water change. He was a red male Betta, and lived where I worked, and he was a joy to watch.

My current setup is a 2.5 gallon tank, with a couple of plastic plants, and a 'bare bottom' :*) (no gravel). The tank contains my new "Red Male Betta," along with 3 Zebra Danios (small tank for all that, I know); contiplating a 5 gallon tank. The tank is in my (cool temp.) basement, so I use a submersable heater. And, added a sponge filter (with an air pump). Currently doing weekly 20% water changes.

The Danios are a new edition (as of today), and we'll see how they work out. So far, my (nameless) Betta is 'protecting his territory' and sometimes will chase the Danios around when they dare to come 'too close.' :flex: He's showing who's boss, I think. Good excersize for him, at any rate. ;)

Good luck with the 'mature woman', and enjoy! :)
You might have trouble with the danios (they have a reputation as sometime fin-nippers), esp in a small tank. Though if he's anything like mine, he'll soon put them in their place :p

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