Very nearly bought new fish


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I very nearly bought some new fish today.

I went to one of the local garden centers and just out of curiousity I decided to take a peek at the fish.

they had what I thought were Ottos (which I'm after) but the tank was just labeled as "algae eaters". I asked the guy in the department and he didn't have a clue!
So, needless to say I didn't buy any :p Got a new filter though so it wasn't a waste trip.

When I got home though one of my tetras was dead :byebye: Looked like he'd bashed into/been attcked by something as his eye and half of one side of face was gone :sick: Any ideas what may have done that?
Not sure about the eels or loaches. However the betta might have done it. I've also read and seen plecs sucking on fish. This might have caused the wounds.

As for the cats, it could have been a sucking loach or a chinese algae eater. These guys somewhat resemble otos, though they have golden-brown colors...

By the way, these loaches I mentioned get to 10", so if you were about to get it, you might have been better off not getting it.

Sorry about what happened to your fish. :(
Sorry to hear about your fish, chances are the damage was done after it died. :(

Algae eaters, eh? Have you looked them up? The call all sorts of things algae eaters including hillstream loaches which garden centres often stock.

Hope everything's ok with your tank, especially as 2 spiny eels died recently. You mentioned you thought there might be ich in your tank. Have you been treating for that?

I wouldn't add any more fish until we get to the bottom of it. :)
He may have been chased into a wall. Those guys have such a quick burst of speed that it isn't always well thought out. I had a couple of whiteskirts die that way(chased by a danio, nonetheless).
Cheese Specialist said:
Sorry to hear about your fish, chances are the damage was done after it died. :(

Algae eaters, eh? Have you looked them up? The call all sorts of things algae eaters including hillstream loaches which garden centres often stock.

Hope everything's ok with your tank, especially as 2 spiny eels died recently. You mentioned you thought there might be ich in your tank. Have you been treating for that?

I wouldn't add any more fish until we get to the bottom of it. :)
the eels were both from the same fish store - neither of them lasted 24hrs, when I went back to that place yesterday most of the stock there was dead in the tanks :sick: including everything that shared a tank with both the eels

I thought the otto lookalikes were most likely siamese algae eaters, which I knew weren't the greatest thing for me to put in my tank ;)

Turns out there was no ich in my tank - just me being paranoid about the fish, it was velvet which I'm treating with interpets Anti-Slime & Velvet, tank is still being treatedwith diluted Melafix to help Steve's fins grow back as well. *thinks*... I first noiced it on a tetra, so that tetra may have very well been the one that had it first.

Every problem I've had with my tank stems from when I got that first eel... *shakes a fist*

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