Very Fat Female Bn


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2008
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Hi all

One of my female bristlenoses is very very fat, but i dont think she has eggs.

She is in a 150lt tank with 1 other female, 2 males, b/n fry, some neon tetras and a red finned albino shark.

Water parameters are
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 10-20ppm
pH 7.3

Im a bit concerned she wil burst at any moment. :-(

I change the water about every 4-5 days (i left the water change longer last week, about 7 days cause i had not long put the fry in there). Im finding it hard to give the gravel a good vac as im scared im going to suck up some fry :unsure:

Could she be bloated and what would the best thing to do for her, she has been like it for just over a week and she doesnt seem to be eating (unless she is eating when the lights are off) but i havent seen her eat for a few days now.

Thankyou to any who can help me out

Hopefully i can get to a lfs tomorrow and get some meds if i need to.


Ive managed to get some pics, lets see what you all think

top view

side view

bottom view

I dont know what to do or what it could be so i hope someone can help me out.

your b/n is very gavid
mine looks like that as well just have to wait for the male to finish hatching the eggs then its her turn
1 of my females is like this at the moment, she is currently courting with the male and has been in and out of his cave all day, looks like you are heading for another batch of eggs
One of my small ones is like that, but its only 2.5", i though it was bloated as thought it was to young to breed, or is mine maybe gravid?
Thank you everyone

Thanks for putting my mind at ease, i have now noticed my other female is looking the same way.

Is it ok to change the furniture in their tank now or should i wait, i was going to put larger peices of driftwood in that has lots of nooks and crannies, would the males be able to find suitable caves in time or is it just best to wait?

thanks again


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