Very CUTE video


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
So what, I post here most often, and others come here to check things out I thought I'd post it here.

This has GOT to be THe cutest thing I have EVER seen a fish do.

Here is the story about what is going on. It is truly unique and heart warming..what some people woudl do for their fish, and what some fish woudl do to cope with a bad hand dealt to them in life. :wub:

Here is a futher into the story about this same fish getting dropsy and being cured.

I am just truly amazed.

Here is the videa

I can't stop watching it lol..I've had everyone in here to see this :lol: .
It's almost like his tail is paralyzed, he doesn't use it at all.

Small tank for 4 goldies... but they look healthy!

That black one is gorgeous...
Its not that his tail doesn't's that his swim bladder forces him over upside down like his tail is useless pretty much. (those type goldfish have soft, wispy fins how the other ones swim..they wiggle their bodies..not their tails to propel themselves thru the water)

If that isn't the biggest case of "I think I can, I think I can" I've ever seen..I dunno what is. Learning to use thsoe bubbles to get around, learning to use the PVC pipe to hold himself down so he could eat, learning to wedge himself between objects and the glass so he could rest and stay below the water surface...I'm sorry but that is just almost unbelievable that something so small..with a brain the size of an english pea..could fathom something like that...but then you see the video and have have to believe it. :wub:

Anyone who says fish aren't just as smart, loveable, or "pet-like" as dogs or cats...needs to read this story and watch this just amazes me everytime I watch it lol.

I would have never believed, without seeing, that a goldfish would learn a behavior like that. You know, your always taught they're dumb...and it's quite obvious...that one is NOT dumb at all lol.

Yeah, it was sad that he died, but daggum he was a little fighter though. :nod:

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