Very Bloated Neon Tetra


New Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hi people,
My friend emailed me this morning asking for advice (as she knows I am a fishkeeper). He gave his Tetras sinking food yesterday, and apparently they ate it all. He said immediately afterwards, his Tetras looked very bloated.
Here's a picture he sent me of one of them.

It looks like bloating from a swimbladder problem, or perhaps some form of dropsy, but the fact that it has come on so quickly suggests something else.
I don't want to give him an answer that is wrong, so I'd like your info/opinions on this.
What is it, and what should he do?

Thanks everyone,
Prbably the food if he only bloated up after the pellets.
Did she soak the pellets before she added them to the tank.
I would feed some peas.
Cook frozen peas for a few minutees let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
I wouldn't feed any dry feeds for a few days.
The fish need frozen food and veg in there diet.
Frozen daphnia very good as daphnia helps the fish digest its food.
Is it possible that the tetra is a female and has eggs?
Whats the ph of the tank.
I doubt its eggs if the fish has just blown up all of a sudden.
Whats the ph of the tank.
I doubt its eggs if the fish has just blown up all of a sudden.

I'm not sure, he didn't tell me, all he said was that all 5 of them very quickly swelled ti that size. So I would it it it eggs.

Thanks for the replies by the way. :)
Probably just overate. They should go down again soon without any issue. Tell your friend not to feed them so much! And do not feed any more at all until they are normal size.

If they don't go back to the normal size soon, Wilder's advice for feeding peas is good. Cook them in water until they are soft, remove the skins, and drop them in.
sorry to upset you. But that looks really serious. if it happened over a period of time i would be less concerned. But the fact it happened instantly makes me think it will result in constipation and swimm blader disease. try feeding him a boiled frozen pea deshelled.

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