very beginner question

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New Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Allright here goes. Where can I find a really good write up on how to start a tank for some one who is totally green?

I jumped into the hobby about a year ago and was going to go SW right off the bat. I have since read a lot and decided to do a fresh water tank for a while first.
Im good with all the cycling, feeding, introducing, and quarentiening stuff.

I do have pretty much all I need to get started, minus filtration, and im going to get an air pump.

I guess Im looking for that instruction that takes you from step 1 to done.


:dunno: Thanks
Welcome to the forum.

I'm fairly new to all this too but many people post tank set up diary threads that are very useful and interesting because they tell you about the mistakes made as well as the good stuff. Try a search on "tank diary/set up" and the like.
Right, first, how big is your tank? Secondly, read the fishless cycle thread in the beginners section. Then, depending on what fish you want and the size of the tank, once the tank has cycled, start to stock slowly. Bottom feeders need to be added last as they are nearest the nitrite production (which goes on at the bottom of the tank). So if you have a 30 gallon tank, once it has cycled, start stocking with top swimmers, then once the tank has coped with them after a few weeks add middle swimmers and so on.
thanks BigC,
Tank is 65 gal.
not even sure what fish.
My question stems from the PetCo people telling me that ...
1. put in water
2. treat with bottle of goo
3. put in plants
4. wait a day and dump in fish

oh and the local LFS wont even talk to me becuase Ive asked them too many questions that they couldnt answer.
Oh and BTW
im planning on corking the overflow and not useing the sump or wave maker for the fresh water setup. Just in case you were curious
mux11 said:
oh and the local LFS wont even talk to me becuase Ive asked them too many questions that they couldnt answer.

im still new to all this but i reckon if your LFS can't answer all your questions then i think its better to find a different one. the guy that owns my LFS has his own fish on display in the shop. he;s got a massive discus tank with about 5 discii that are about 5" big. best to look for some shop that knows what they're doing
no dont dump in goo then fish.You must do a fishless cycle first or the fish will die.Read the page in pinned topics this will explain everthing
hey thanks for your replys! Its interesting and I think the LFS guy, who btw does have 3 tanks in the store that are for him personally and nothing in them is for sale, but I get the feeling that he views me as either a threat or something similar. He asked me as a newbie how I was getting the information that I was asking about, and when I told him that I have been reading forums and talking with other aquarists he flat out told me "oh you cant believe anything on the internet". :-D I really enjoyed that.
I understand the business aspect of it and hes got to turn a $ or two, but come on. I would work for free to be able to learn more.
Oh well - his loss
i was told the same thing by our lfs & now i got 9 sick guppies did have 10 but lost 1 :byebye: learnt my lesson by that. so other tank has been properly cycled after getting advise on here & i have a very healthy fish tank with happy fish in it :cool:
in process now of tryin to save my guppies so keeping fingers crossed
:hi: Well welcome - you've come to a very good place indeed ! :nod:
I've learnt a great deal here and I'm sure if you have the time to stick around, you will too.

Start reading through some of the pinned articles in the newbie and beginners section - they are very good. Though it sounds like you might know a fair bit already ;)

There's a wealth of information here and a hoard of willing people to give their ideas and opinions (we don't all always agree :lol: but it's good to see the differing opinions and you can make your own decisions at the end of the day.
Don't be afraid to ask any questions :)

Good luck !

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