Very Angry Firefish


Fish Herder
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Guilford, Surrey
Last night just after feeding i notesed that some flake had made its vay to the mouth of my Firefish's bolt hole. Later on that night 2 of my hemits had found there way over to the hold and were fighting over the tasty bit of grub. All this was happerning while the fish where swimming about. Much to there horror when they returned one of the hemits had made his way into the bolt hole. What happernd next amased me. What I didn't know was that there was an other entrance to the hole at sand level, one of the fish swam down there and backed in very slowly then with a sharp 'wag' of the tail produced enough currunt to shoot the hemit out the other end! then two happy Firefish returned to the hold. I wish I had a camra on it, it was trueley amasing!

Anyone have any other funny fishy stories???
when I first put my elegance coral into my tank I saw a very small emerald crab climb from the very top of the rock work all the way down to the elgegance and then started puling polyps off the elgegance and cramming them into his mouth! :crazy: needless to say I through the little emerald into the refugium, good thing he was the only emerald in the tank.

I had an electric blue leg hermit crab that one day decided that it was a cliff jumper. It would climb to the top of the rock work and then actually flip off of the rock all the way to the sand bed. He did this about 6 times within a 2 hour period, then I never saw him do it again. :huh:

I know these aren't fish stories, but I thought they might be relevant.

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