

plant your tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Lincoln uk
Hi everyone, just wondered if anyone could advise me on the venturi valve on the Fluval U2, I can't seem to get a blast of Bubbles from the top without completely removing the rubber valve. Is this normal? Am i doing something wrong?
Hi, i had a similar problem but its fixed now. you need to make sure the rubber isn't pushed down all the way. when it is just fixed in the plastic bit of the valve, turn it slowly until the bubbles start. if you look there is a spiral on the rubber bit of the valve and a "notch" cut in the plastic bit of the valve. you should turn it until a bit of spiral is visible in the notch/ above the notch if that makes sense. i would demonstrate but thats not easily possible.
i know what ya mean, i could'nt see the screw end in the filter top. I shall have a look, thanks for the advice.
yep, sorted it tank you. I also didn't have the notch far enough out of the water. :good:

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