My partner absolutely loves 'Venezuelan black cory' and has had one for several years. Unfortunately, it passed away due to unknown causes the other day and he's literally bereft
I would really like to find him another but they are so difficult to come by, not least because nobody seems to actually know what they are. Some say they are a line-bred form aeneus and others say they are a distinct species. I would love to know the correct latin name for them. The closet thing I've found is a black corydoras schultzei, are they the same thing do you think? It took him months to get hold of the first one as they aren't readily imported into the UK apparently. If anyone has any ideas it'd be great. Thanks
I would really like to find him another but they are so difficult to come by, not least because nobody seems to actually know what they are. Some say they are a line-bred form aeneus and others say they are a distinct species. I would love to know the correct latin name for them. The closet thing I've found is a black corydoras schultzei, are they the same thing do you think? It took him months to get hold of the first one as they aren't readily imported into the UK apparently. If anyone has any ideas it'd be great. Thanks