Velvet- Still Not So Sure?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Ive had 8 guppies 11 days now in quarantine tank. Been treating for velvet for 4 days. Im still not sure that it is velvet because although there are yellow patches, the fish does not have spots as velvet is described. His tail is still clamped.

Unfortunately tank does not appear to be cycled and Im having to do water changes every day.
Today Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 0.5.

The thing i find strange is, only the one fish has velvet and even though the water quality is not great and Im stressing them out doing changes every day, all the other fish are OK. Wouldn't you think theyd have picked it up as well by now?
No not fluffy, it does just look like his colouration, on back and fins a little.
I would remove the med with carbon as you say if he had velvet so would the others, i would just observe him for now, the clamped tail is because water quality isn't good.
I would remove the med with carbon as you say if he had velvet so would the others, i would just observe him for now, the clamped tail is because water quality isn't good.

Do you think I could put the others in main tank so they can dont have to suffer the poor water.
Sounds fine to me, as the water quality won't be doing them any favours.
Sounds fine to me, as the water quality won't be doing them any favours.

Thanks for advice Wilder. I had them in the dark covered over all day today thinking I would trythat route.

When i got in and went to feed them one of the guppies had jumped into the breeding net and my little nursery of 4 baby guppies is now down to 1. :(
Sorry bless them, can't be much wrong with that fish then, wanted a snack, good luck.

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