Velvet Gone


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Just thought I'd say a big thankyou to all that have helped with getting rid of the velvet which I thought was ich! I'm pleased to report that it looks to have cleared up :D

I'm still losing the odd fry here and there but they seem to be the smallest of the fry! Which I presume is normal?

1. I have three fry left which are about half the size of the others do you think I should keep them seperate from the larger ones and see if they start to grow or should I just leave them in with the others?

2. Am I ok to start adding baby daphnia to the fry's diet? They are approx 18 days old now.

3. How old are they when they start to develop their labarynth? I've forgotten sorry!

I can't get over how quickly they are growing now it seems that every morning when I get up they look slightly different to how they did before I went to sleep!

Thank you in advance
It is normal to lose a few, especially the smaller ones, as they continue to grow and develop. You may find smaller ones will grow at a much slower rate because the largest release hormones to impede the growth of the others so they get become the biggest and strongest and therefore, the survivors. If you want them to grow you could try moving them to a seperate container but there's still guarantee they will survive.
I'd try feeding the baby daphnia, yes. If they can't cope with it just make sure you remove the leftovers soon after.
The laberynth usually comes into play around the three week mark. Try to make sure the outside/room temp is warm at all times. If it's cold it can give them pneumonia. Humid is best. It's the easiest on their baby organs. :wub:
Hope this helps.
Thank you :D! I think I will remove the smallest ones they just look so tiny compared to the others! There is one fry that I really like its the last white one (well its the lightest of the lot anyway looks like it has a white mask) but it is one of the smaller ones so it probably will not survive.

Luckily my babies are in a tank with a tight fitting lid and there is loads of condensation on the sides of the tank so in theory the air temp should be ok (I hope it is anyway it always feels so warm when I lift the lid)!

Thanks for your help

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