Veg Treats For Danios, Skirts, And Neons


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver area, BC, Canada
I know they like to eat peas (i've read a few places they like them as treats and certainly have enjoyed them when i've given them 2 peas before) - is there anything else like this i can give them as a weekly treat?
you know i've heard about them eating veggies and i tried the pea thing and the dannios swoop over to it as the pea falls in but maybe take one nibble or sniff or whatever and then swim away. The same with my platys, I swear i read same thing and neither of mine will eat it. I also tried lettuce and stuff, but no reaction. One food my platies and dannios love though is the freeze dried shrimps :) let me know if you find any veggies they will eat!
All my fish LOVE peas. If one fish gets a larger piece in his mouth, the other fish will swim after him in a kind of convoy. It's amazing to watch :D

edit: forgot to add i take the shell of when it's still frozen, then defrost it. Then i mash it up in the water so there's lots of little bits for them to eat, instead of a few big halves.
you know i've heard about them eating veggies and i tried the pea thing and the dannios swoop over to it as the pea falls in but maybe take one nibble or sniff or whatever and then swim away. The same with my platys, I swear i read same thing and neither of mine will eat it. I also tried lettuce and stuff, but no reaction. One food my platies and dannios love though is the freeze dried shrimps :) let me know if you find any veggies they will eat!

It takes a few tries to get them to accept it. Maybe give them a fast for a day, then the next day try the peas.
Actually I just did that with a pea to my prego she went after it like it was a frozen shrimp cube...anwyay, main tank i dropped it in but all my fish are in hiding even the male platy is in the cave hmmm...thanks for the tip about mushing it up, that's what i just tried.
my danionins (the family that danios belong to) love banana and apple,
chop very small and feed spareingly.

Remember to remove any uneaten food so it don't rot causing problems later.
my danionins (the family that danios belong to) love banana and apple,
chop very small and feed spareingly.

Remember to remove any uneaten food so it don't rot causing problems later.

Really?! Wow, I would never have though of fruit like that to feed to them...I'll have to give that a try too.


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