Veg For Fish

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Mostly New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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I've been seeing various snippets on the net and on this forum regarding using various veg as treats for fishy diets.
But how do you do this?
Is it as easy as putting some carrot / cucumber / courgette / brocolli into your fish tank?
Do you have to boil them first to soften them up? (and if so, for how long)?
Are there any types of veg that are not suitable?
And how long should you leave them in the tank for?  eg do you take out after half an hour, a couple of hours, overnight, etc?
I'd love to do this, but would also hate to harm the fish in any way by doing it wrong.
BTW - I have 3 Danio's and numerous RCS in the aquarium at the moment.
I like to parboil the veggies first.  I put them in the microwave in a bowl of water and microwave for 2 minutes.  I let them cool and then just drop them in.
I used to do this but there is a simpler way to add veg into their diet. New life spectrum foods. After a month or so you'll see a marked improvemnt in colour because it's composition is roughly half 50% protien 50% fruit and veg.
I also use a high quality food flake for feeding but some of the fiber and micronutrients are lost in the processing of the food.  I also have some fish, like oto's, that won't eat flake food and need the vegetables to supplement their algae diet.  Another plus is it is a variation, something to break up the monotony and it is healthy for them as well.  I find that my fish are more active when I am not feeding the same things day in, day out. 
Chaydell said:
I like to parboil the veggies first.  I put them in the microwave in a bowl of water and microwave for 2 minutes.  I let them cool and then just drop them in.
Hi Chaydell,
That sounds like a good idea.  Do you completely cover the veggies with water - or just put a few drops in? 
What veggies have you tried (successfully) in the past before?
I'm thinking of trying out as a Christmas treat for mine
I put enough water that the veggies are floating.  I've done peas, zucchini and cucumber like this.  I've heard you can do lettuce and spinach as well.  Be sure you shell the peas before you put them in and I like to cut the seeds out of the zucchini and cucumber to cut down on the mess it makes in my tank.  Some people also skin them, but I find that my fish eat the peels and all so I don't bother.  Of course you will want to give them a good wash first to remove any chemicals that could be harmful to your fish.
Boiled peas and boiled lettuce are nice. They tend to attract algae as well so it is beneficial for algae eating fishes :D

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