Varnishing wood-or something


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
I really don't know exactly waht I'm talking about but have heard of it whereever

Basically I want to seal in the tanins so tehy son't discolor the watter or mess with the ph, what specifically do I use for this? and how is it applied?
You can pre soak the wood to get rid of most of the tannins or just up the water changes while the wood leeches. Charcoal in the filter would stop the discolouration (which i happen to like lol)Pearsonaly i wouldnt try sealing the wood as some fish graze on the wood fibres.
Tanins leach out forever though, and hopefully it is for a Green spotted puffer tank so the won't pick at it but maybe worth mentioning that it is a brackish to marine aquarium
How long has it been leaching ? Is it small enough to try and boil ? Perhaps you should just try another "type" of wood. You might have Mopani there and that leaches like there is no tomorrow, but yes it does help with a carbon filer, regular water changes and time. I will (or should) eventually (after a couple of months) stop or lessen to a great degree.
Try bogwood.
This is for a future tank I don't have the wood as of yet I might even go all rock, but have had wood before bog wood, and carbon and won't be adding it unless it is sealed of tanins.
Buy a piece off ebay then. There's lots that people sell that's been sitting in their tanks for a year or so. Just give it a good boil to make sure any potential "nasties" are not present.
Thanks everyone
And I have looked into the alternatives but this seems much cheaper and will maintain the vital vital natural look over fakes
Don't seal, it wont work well. If you were to find a food safe sealent that was also fish safe you would have a bear of a time applying it to al the woods surfaces and then you would have a hard time getting the wood to waterlog. best to either soak a piece of wood for a long time and then use it or to use a fake piece of wood.
Thats just in this wood workers oppinion

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