i have been thinking of making a 3D background and i'm going to give it a go after Christmas but i was hopeing to perhaps make a few caves and such for my community tank.At the momnt i only have in some Styrofoam, super glue , acrylic paint and some varnish but mu question is would the super glue and varnish be okay to seal it and glue it together,i have herd the super glue can hold the Styrofoam together but i'm unsure of the varnish.Its wilko high performance outdoor varnish,all weather protection and it contains :
colbat bis (2-ethylhexanoate)
ethly methyl ketoxime
and that's all it says it does not mention aquarium use but i would lave it to dry for a few days would this be safe ? thanks
i have been thinking of making a 3D background and i'm going to give it a go after Christmas but i was hopeing to perhaps make a few caves and such for my community tank.At the momnt i only have in some Styrofoam, super glue , acrylic paint and some varnish but mu question is would the super glue and varnish be okay to seal it and glue it together,i have herd the super glue can hold the Styrofoam together but i'm unsure of the varnish.Its wilko high performance outdoor varnish,all weather protection and it contains :
colbat bis (2-ethylhexanoate)
ethly methyl ketoxime
and that's all it says it does not mention aquarium use but i would lave it to dry for a few days would this be safe ? thanks